Previously AstroDuck
You are taking that part out of context. I was referring to chickens that are kept in a run/coop 24/7 without adequate space to forage and are fed incorrect ratio homemade feeds because someone who is a trendy chicken owner on YouTube told them to do it. I was not referring to properly made homemade feeds that meet the correct nutritional needs of chickens and are fed in conjunction with adequate forage diet. My point was that you can’t buy a tractor supply tinder box sized coop/run where your chickens are always contained then feed solely corn and wheat berries expecting healthy chickens. I am very pro allowing chickens to live and eat as naturally as possible when done right and people take the time to research what they need. I have been trying to work towards that myself, but by doing it the right way. Also if you read any of my posts on this forum I am against commercial layer feed.My impression is the opposite; most birds with digestive problems are on commercial feed. The feed question is asked, and when someone replies, as they often do, that they give just layer feed, the questioner moves on to consider other possible causes (especially treats, if they also are given, usually met with an injunction to stop feeding them immediately). Perhaps we should trawl through old posts and test our impressions?
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