Chicken fencing


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2021
I have 4 chickens. They have a lovely coop large enough for 12 birds. They have an attached, fully enclosed run large enough for 20 birds. They also have access to our "tractor" yard with compost pile during the day, which we fenced off with 6' wire puppy playpen panels. And despite all this, they insist on jumping the 6' fence. Because we drive lawn tractors in and out of this area regularly, the panels seem to work best. We can't really put a gate or permanent fencing in this area. Any ideas how I can keep them from going over the top? Maybe something flexible, so they don't have anything solid to land on? They seem especially keen right now as it's turning spring in our area. They don't go far and easily follow us back. But I'm tired of chicken wrangling and at some point, they're going to get themselves in trouble.
I have a floppy electric fence and my birds fly up and balance on the top before jumping over. :/
If you can, put another wire on top. It should be about 12 inches from the top wire and 5 or 6 inches inward. When the chicken rises up to hop the fence it will hit the new wire. They can't understand that they have to back up and go higher.

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