Chicken "Fun Facts" Request


BYC Staff
18 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
I just received the following from a school teacher. Anybody got ideas / submissions?

have looked around and have not been able to find any Fun Facts that I can use in the classroom at elementary schools. Can you help me out? Also perhaps you can add Fun Facts to the Fun Pages

A chicken's comb and wattles are like the bird's air conditioning system.

Chickens aren't very long-lived. The "World's Oldest Chicken" only lived to be 16 years old.

You can always send her to for some information about (what else?) the Japanese longtail fowl with tailfeathers reaching more than 10 feet in length. There is also info about longcrowers on that site (roosters that have crows that are 60 seconds long!).
This is pretty cool. We have a lot of chicken farms in my area, and I've seen an egg with 7 yolks in it. I've also seen an egg with an egg in it. That was pretty cool. The smallest egg I've ever seen fit on a penny. The largest was the size of a softball.
* Here's one; Looks pretty cool. Again, I may have to come back and correct the link. Still not that good at this!
(Ed: That oughta work!)
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This is NOT true, although I've seen it written many times. Certain breeds like GAME BANTAMS nedd to be dubbed (removing comb & wattles). If these were required to disiapate heat, they obviously would not live thru hot weather spells.

Combs which come in may shapes, are PURELY ornamental.

Speaking of FUN FACTS, how about that chooks can be hypnotized.
It says:
When there is no rooster in a flock of hens one hen will take over the role - as much as possible - and will begin to crow and stop laying eggs.

Is that true?
It says:
When there is no rooster in a flock of hens one hen will take over the role - as much as possible - and will begin to crow and stop laying eggs.

Is that true?

As far as I know, yes it is true. That's why we spent the $5 on a roo. And he has been a good roo. Not too loud, friendly to a point, and keeps the girls in line. i am not sure about the drowing. I just thought they took ovr the dominant role and stopped laying.

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