
In the Brooder
Aug 30, 2022
I have a bantam Cochin that had mites, she has been treated for mites but is still recovering. due to the amount of feathers she has I had not noticed how skinny she has become. I am able to see her ribs and she's not eating. I don't know how to get her weight back. I'm worried about her, can anyone help me?
What is her diet? How are you treating the mites? Is she being prevented from eating by other chickens?
Just normal layer feed with occasional fruit. I treated the mites with permethrin, I've checked her all over they are gone. She's been quarantined from other chickens because of the mites and I still have her in a quarantine coop till she gets better.
It’s possible that the mites were opportunistic rather than cause. Often when I bird becomes sick, they become more susceptible to parasites, both internal and external, due to lowered resistance and just not feeling well enough to groom.
Here, I’d isolate to a warm environment for supportive care while treating. Obviously get rid of the mites - most products will take care of mites quickly…probably even something like Adams Flea/Tick spray. Or I’ve used Frontline (the stuff for dogs). Livestock products that contain permethrin would probably work as well. Just wet a qtip in whichever products and rub under each wing and below the vent area…be sure to get the skin, not the feathers. I’d direct drench about 1 cc of Poultry Cell vitamin into her daily for a few days, and put in water after that.
When you’re guess treating, it’s tough. I run my own fecals, so know for sure whether high parasite load is cause or not, but most don’t have that advantage. Fenbendazole treats several different parasite types, so I’d probably opt for that, at least 1/2 cc daily for several days.
Meanwhile, tempt her with whatever you can to get her to eat daily for several days…scrambled egg, damped layer feed (like thick oatmeal) with raisins…whatever.
There are so many things it could be besides parasites, but this is where I would start here at my place.

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