Hi all, first post in years. Questions with the Chicken Guard auto door.
1. Does the “ time of day” need to be reset after a power outage ?
2. if the door was in an open position when the power outage happened, will it remain open till a reset is done?
The reason for the question is, I’m on holiday and of course there was a power outage at my house. Im worried that now the power is back on the the door will either resume its per set times which will not be good at all, or remain in the position it was when the power went out. Neighbor is checking but has no experience with the auto door. Thank you in advance. Cheers
1. Does the “ time of day” need to be reset after a power outage ?
2. if the door was in an open position when the power outage happened, will it remain open till a reset is done?
The reason for the question is, I’m on holiday and of course there was a power outage at my house. Im worried that now the power is back on the the door will either resume its per set times which will not be good at all, or remain in the position it was when the power went out. Neighbor is checking but has no experience with the auto door. Thank you in advance. Cheers