chicken has two bottoms

I agree. I would be very interested to see her back end and have the opportunity to learn how she manages with this. Always keen to improve my knowledge. I had not come across anything like this before..... I was expecting this to be another flystrike/prolapse/hernia post. This is much more interesting! I hope she is able to live comfortably with the condition.
Pics would still be good, definitely an interesting occurrence. I'm pretty sure most here have seen worse. Just edit the title to give warning so it's not unexpected if you're concerned. Is thus a chick from your eggs? I'm wondering if it's hereditary. Since others have had success, I would give her every chance. Biologically, it would be interesting to see the function of both. So many questions that could be asked. Please keep an update going as she grows.
No worries - Ill upload a pic - thanks for the good advice re: warning with photo - maybe Im just squeemish...:) I bought her from a supplier - will let him know too I think. Will keep updates on how she goes. THANKYOU all for the info/chats...Imuch appreciated - feel a lot more positive for her now :) xxx
I agree. I would be very interested to see her back end and have the opportunity to learn how she manages with this. Always keen to improve my knowledge. I had not come across anything like this before..... I was expecting this to be another flystrike/prolapse/hernia post. This is much more interesting! I hope she is able to live comfortably with the condition.
Im hoping she good with it too...her comfort is my main concern (not fussed about no eggs if thats the case)...Ill be keeping a real close eye on her - think Im going to have to keep her feathers short in that area so plenty of inspections will be going on (oh Joy! LOL) :)
I too have never heard of nor seen this and am super excited to go check out those other threads. You learn something new every day!


Okay I'm strange I know but what an odd occurrence. I've seen and heard lots of things but not this.
Apologies everyone - I could not work out how to put a graphic warning / rename this thread without starting over and losing you all (?). Also, this is a VERY zoomed in photo & doesn't look good - think I cut those last 2 feathers a bit close...feel awful about that but gave her a nice bath & treats afterwards so hope she forgives me!!! Very new at this!
Thanks again for interest/support.
chrissy :)

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