Chicken hatch-Along

Hi! I just bought 14 chicken eggs! You can name them when they hatch!
There are Wyandotte black sex link mixes, barred rocks black sex links mixes, and silkie mixes!
Egg 1 barred Rock mix
Egg 2 barred Rock mix
Egg 3 barred Rock mix
Egg 4 barred Rock mix
Egg 5 barred rock mix
Egg 6 barred rock mix
Egg 7 Wyandotte mix
Egg 8 Wyandotte mix
Egg 9 Wyandotte mix
Egg 10 Wyandotte mix
Egg 11 Wyandotte mix
Egg 12 silkie mix
Egg 13 silkie mix
Egg 14 silkie mix
Do you know what the barred rock is mixed with?

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