Chicken house


Feb 16, 2025
Chicken house is on it way. So far this is day 3.
Day 1: foundation and base
Day 2: walls and roof build and put up plus window in.
Day 3: putting metal and roof on.
Day 4: finish the inside of the building (roosting bars, nesting boxes, cut out chicken door). Then ramp into chicken run.


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Looks great. I've never been in an all metal coop before. I'd be interested to know later how it's working. Is it a metal hot box or how does that work? Not sure what your climate is. I feel like if possible I'd want wood walls interior with metal siding. But I'm usually over kill.... Ventilation will be key.
It’s all climates lol. We plan to leave it as is for the summer to keep it cooler the during the fall we are going to spray foam and put osb on the walls

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