Chicken, impacted crop, laboured breathing, tail down, Advice please

Not yet. It could be EYP = egg yolk peritonitis, which cannot be drained as the egg yolks accumulate in the abdomen cavity and coagulate because of the high body temperature.

Could you post pictures of her bottom end?

It does not look red or very swollen nor the skin streched too tight.

What concerns me is the very dark colour of her poo. Could this be blood?
Sometimes a raptured tumor or similar can lead to internal bleeding.
Doesn't look like blood but we found a vet that will see her tomorrow. The drive is about an hour so we are worried about stressing her, but better safe then sorry. Thanks for the input.
Doesn't look like blood but we found a vet that will see her tomorrow. The drive is about an hour so we are worried about stressing her, but better safe then sorry.
Let us know what their findings will be and if they are able to help her.
If it's impacted crop I recommend continuing to withhold solid food, and to give papaya enzyme mixed with natural yogurt/kefir. My older hen, Sharon, had a grass impaction this week and was gurgling when she breathed and I legit thought she was going to die. I withheld solid food for two days and fed her the papaya enzyme with kefir and it went away and she's running around good as new.
Thank you for your advice. I read about the Papaya enzyme as well. I still have some "chicken proof" stoolsoftener that I was going to try if the coconut oil/crop massage won't work. I definitely will get some Papaya enzyme for the first aid kit. My daughter found a vet that takes chicken (that's a first) it is an hour away. I just wanted to be on the safe side in case it is something that I can't help with. Trudi, my chicken, seems stable for right now. I gave her some nutridrench for vitamins and syringes some water. I have not really see her drink. Also some vet x around nostrils and under wings. I thought it can't hurt. Thanks a bunch everybody 🙋‍♀️
Hello everybody, Our Trudi went over the rainbow bridge this morning. We were Lucky to find an avian vet who was great and kind. Trudi was stable last night but her crop was still hard this morning so the coconut oil/crop massage treatment did not work. The vet examined her and while looking in her beak she had another seizure. Like we suspected the crop issue was happening because of other issues. Most likely a tumor that spread (therefore seizures, pressing on airway - the gasping) So we agreed to put her down humanly. They gased her with anesthesia to make her fall asleep and after a while the vet gave the injection somewhere under the wing not sure exactly where because I was crying so bad. Thank you again for all your support.​


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