*** CHICKEN LAYING AN EGG (close up video) ***


7 Years
Jun 17, 2012
Here is a close up video I did on my Barred Rock laying an egg! I think the video came out really good:) Makes me feel bad for chickens because they have to do this just about everyday!
I cringed watching her laying, wow that looked so big! I am waiting for our girls to start laying. They are 21 weeks on Sunday. I have put a 5 gallon bucket on its side mounted to the inside of their coop. I put shavings in there and a wooden egg. But, every day when I let them out, one of the girls has been in the 'box' and pulled out some of the shavings and the egg is sitting on the floor of their coop. What does this possibly mean?

Thanking you in advance
I cringed watching her laying, wow that looked so big! I am waiting for our girls to start laying. They are 21 weeks on Sunday. I have put a 5 gallon bucket on its side mounted to the inside of their coop. I put shavings in there and a wooden egg. But, every day when I let them out, one of the girls has been in the 'box' and pulled out some of the shavings and the egg is sitting on the floor of their coop. What does this possibly mean?

Thanking you in advance

It sounds like they are showing signs that they will lay soon:) When you go out near them do any of them ever squat like they're trying to get you to jump on their back? Are any of their combs looking redder than the others?

I posted on on backyardchickens, signs that your chickens will lay soon. Note the blog on this post:)


Hope that helps you!!
Thank you for posting this video. It gives me a better understanding of the laying process and now I know of the efforts they have to do to give us eggs. I think I will continue to spoil them everyday.
Thank you for posting this video. It gives me a better understanding of the laying process and now I know of the efforts they have to do to give us eggs. I think I will continue to spoil them everyday.

That's good, keep treating them. Make sure they're healthy treats though because healthier treats will give them better health which means less stress and when they have less stress they lay the eggs easier:)
great video. amazing that she continued laying while u were lifting her tail,
4 israeli battery layers (leghorns that are bred to fit our climate etc...stupid, flighty, white; 4 shnitzels (meat leghorn types, israeli version-- israelis eat shnitzel (breast meat) like americans go for hamburgers; 2 rescued somethings; one RIR israeli bred so apparently NOT THE REAL THING (so say they on the israeli chicken forum), and close to 30+- thai fighting chickens, in a separate,faraway coop and in my two spare bedrooms.

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