chicken names!

We have one hen named Ketchup
and one named Fernando Torres (were soccer fans) . . .
My favorite is "Pippa Middlehen" after Pippa Middleton
We also have "Saphira", the beautiful dragon from the Eragon book series, "Martha" from the cartoon Martha Speaks, "Summer Sparrow" a combo name- a Welsummer + Jack Sparrow is favorite character in Pirates and lastly "Kipper" from my 2 year old twins' favorite cartoon.
Here are all our chicken names, feel free to name yours any of these.
Dusty, speckles, Goldy, Black, Blacky, Chipmunk, Pepper, Brownie, Lucky, star, Cricket, Candy, Sky, Blue, Popo, Misty, Sweety, Buffy, Fudgey, April, Pony, Whoot, Lucy, and our new rooster is Mister. We've also had a few that didnt make it named Baby, Isa, and Rosey

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