Top & 2nd probably won't change. It's those coming into their 1st season who tend to shuffle around. A lot of the noise is trying to keep track of the flock to rejoing the group unless you have a rooster, who will then do escort duties. The start of the laying season is always noisy here, as if everyone has forgotten how it goes but it settles down after a while & there are fewer dramatics.Bossy miss Margery better get to squatting!! I'm convinced she's second hen just because none of the other hens wanted to hear her complain! Our top Jen better get to laying, too.. but that's just because she's a good leader and my favorite
ive noticed the leg horns (third rank and fourth rank) be more pecky, lately, so
. I really expected the ducks to be laying before the hens, but that's what I get for trying to put logic on ducks
Good lord, some of our hens are screamers. I'm used to those sweet soft like cluck cluck clucks, but don't you know it, lately it's been very perturbed "buhWAK buh-WAKK!" Usually followed by someone running full speed, feathers flying, or the distinctive sound of someone falling (jumping) off a roost bar. I tell you, just when you think you have the hens figured out, they start laying!