Chicken not walking. Losing feathers.


May 26, 2018

Laying on side. Can barely move. Losing lots of feathers. Barely eats and drinks. I have had a chicken that has had coccidiosis. This ones poop looks similar to that one. And this chicken has been treated for mites with diatomaceous earth (food grade). Its been about 5 days and it's only getting worse. Its been raining a lot and none of the chickens have been able to give themselves a dirt bath. It can barely move and keeps pooping on its side. It doesn't want heat. It (not sure if it's a hen or rooster, it's three months old, born April 28th) hasn't stood up in 5 days. Seems to be in pain when it's on its side. But has to lay on its side because it can't balance or stand. Most of the feather loss is under it's right wing. But is losing feathers under the other wing too.
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DE won't treat mites...

Notice about the third pic down an example of someone treating with DE.

I see a lot of corn in that feeder... Nutrient deficit is a possibility and I might consider Marek's. What are you feeding, including treats and supplements on a regular basis?

I think it's a cockerel but the feathers are too messed up for me to tell.

I have had a chicken that has had coccidiosis. This ones poop looks similar to that one. And this chicken has been treated for mites with diatomaceous earth (food grade). Its been about 5 days and it's only getting worse.

It (not sure if it's a hen or rooster, it's three months old, born April 28th) hasn't stood up in 5 days. Seems to be in pain when it's on its side.

I'm sorry your chick is not doing well.

What treatment(s) have you tried-did you treat for Coccidiosis?
Does this bird have a lice/mite infestation?

The first thing that jumps out at me is that the bird indicates it's in pain laying on it's side, but it is unable to stand, so it has to lay down - 5 days laying on the side in pain with no signs of improvement, I would put this bird out of it's misery.

Refrigerate the body and send it to your state lab for testing to find out why this chick is declining. You don't mention your general location in your profile, here's a list of state labs, if you need help finding, we will be happy to help.
It mostly eats dumor chick starter grower 20%. It gets electrolytes and probiotics in it's water. We bought DE because we were told it will get rid of mites, worms, any insects. I've also been using Manna Pro poultry protector to try to prevent mites. It's 7 siblings and the 4 grown chickens all seem okay. Heres a picture of (him?) a few days ago before it was sick.
I would put him in a sling and get him up off his side, that should make him more comfortable. Put him up to where his feet touch the floor so maybe he will start putting pressure on them. Put food and water up where he will be able to reach it. If it is Mareks there is no cure, I have one right now who just loses his balance, he is able to walk but very clumsy I am treating him as if he has Mareks because that is probably what it is. I give him fermented feed with a couple drops of oregano oil every morning and I give him garlic a couple of times a week. He hasn't improved but he is no worse and we are going on a month now. So it is just wait and see as long as he eats and drinks on his own. You could try giving yours some poly vi sol with no iron if there is a possibility of a vitamin deficiency. Good luck!
You could try giving yours some poly vi sol with no iron if there is a possibility of a vitamin deficiency
This is supposed to be a suggestion for people who might have kids and already have it on hand... It's fairly pricey and Poultry Nutri Drench is a far superior product... available at most feed stores and at Amazon. ;)

I personally cull for suspected Marek's.

That is indeed a handsome cockerel. :love

The poultry protector might work... I haven't tried it yet.

DE is ineffective in MANY circumstances... and any place humid is one of them. It does NOT work to worm your birds and there are scientific studies on cattle to back my claim... in addition to being rendered useless when wet the guts are indeed wet where DE is alleged to work. Please Throw that crap out... it IS a breathing hazard and gives way to many people a false sense of security regarding parasites. Many of us even have personal experience with it's inefficacy in our gardens. Plus it's strip mined...

Anyways... It is a personal choice like so many other things in chicken keeping. Research a little and decide where you stand. What "works" for your friend or neighbor may or may not work for you... we all have different set ups and conditions. Always feel free to get a second or third, even fourth opinion. And choose what makes sense to YOU at the time with the knowledge you currently have. If you learn something new switch it up if needed! :pop

It mostly eats dumor chick starter grower 20%
Is there that much corn in the starter that I can see in the first pics? Or is scratch or cracked corn mixed in? No low nutrient snacks... while sick. The body need the nutrients to recover. :fl
It mostly eats dumor chick starter grower 20%. It gets electrolytes and probiotics in it's water. We bought DE because we were told it will get rid of mites, worms, any insects. I've also been using Manna Pro poultry protector to try to prevent mites. It's 7 siblings and the 4 grown chickens all seem okay. Heres a picture of (him?) a few days ago before it was sick. View attachment 1493925
I would not dust him anymore if he does not have any external parasites.
A sling may help him be more comfortable. From what I understand from others who have Marek's in their flock, their birds do not appear/indicate to be in pain because of paralysis. Your mention of the bird being is pain is concerning. All you can do is to continue to encourage him to eat/tube feed him or if he show no improvement put him down then send the body for testing.
I think he's definitely in pain. Will cry if his feet are touched. Laying on his right wing hurts a lot and he will try to shake to roll himself over to lay on his other side.

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