Yolk is a germ growing medium. They use it in labs to grow cultures. When an egg breaks inside a hen, as evidenced by yolk coming out of the vent, I always suggest an antibiotic as a preventative. Broad spectrum antibiotics such as amoxicillin need to be prescribed by a vet. The antibiotics for sale over the counter are usually for respiratory illness and aren't really effective for reproductive infection.
There is no need to crush a pill to dose a chicken. The pill slips right down their gullet with no choking. We choke down pills because we need to chew before swallowing. Have you ever seen a chicken with teeth? Don't need 'em.
You need to give a calcium tablet each day for about a week to encourage contractions to push out all remaining egg material. This also will restore blood calcium levels that were low and caused this egg issue in the first place.
There is no need to crush a pill to dose a chicken. The pill slips right down their gullet with no choking. We choke down pills because we need to chew before swallowing. Have you ever seen a chicken with teeth? Don't need 'em.
You need to give a calcium tablet each day for about a week to encourage contractions to push out all remaining egg material. This also will restore blood calcium levels that were low and caused this egg issue in the first place.