Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Nancy, that is a serious overload of bunny cuteness!!!
I have such spring fever! I actually replied to a CL ad where a woman is selling quality Ameraucanas, Lav/BBS Orps, and silkies! I have more than enough in my bators right now! Plus waiting on Hat Trick to send my silkies soon. Silly broodies. What the heck am I thinking wanting MORE of what I already have?!?
You are helplessly addicted!

I'll join the poultry addiction; I'm also very addicted. Unfortunately, the rest of the family is not sure about getting any more chickens, so I have to try and resist the adorable chicks at my local feed store. Not gonna be easy...
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I am so addicted I do everything I can to save chicks that should probably be culled "permanently" not just rehomed.

My little special needs chick was losing ground, not being able to get to feed and water amongst the older chicks in the brooder. It so wants to snuggle with them, and does. The older chicks let it, and do not harass it at all. But it was getting weaker.

I have been dropper feeding it sugar water today, to build up its strength. It can make its way to feed, because that gets kicked out of the feeder. But the waterer was harder for it. It cannot stand, with that one bad leg... Too young for good balance. It flap/lunges across the brooder pretty darn well. I want to make tiny crutches for it!!!!

Even segregated, it just peeped all the time. Together with the others, it is much happier. I am just going to have to give it extra special care to see if it will make it... And it is a cockerel! Am I nuts, or what?

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