Chicken psychology

BigBird 2025

In the Brooder
Feb 11, 2025
I am brand new to BYC so I'm learning. I'm in central Florida. I am allowed 4 chickens per county ordinance. Do chickens need to be in pairs or can I have 4 different breeds together. so many cool breeds available and chicken math will only allow me to count up to 4 any thoughts experiences with this Thanks.
Welcome to BYC!

You can have multiple different breeds together, but docile breeds (such as orpingtons and silkies) are likely to get bullied by others.
I have a total mix of hens, lots of colours.
I would recommend different colour eggs if possible so that you know if someone is not laying/laying elsewhere or if her eggs are not up to standard implying there may be a problem.
Have fun 🤩
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I currently only have five and they are different from each other. They all grew up together and get on just fine.
I don’t have any wildly different one though. So no Polish, Silkies, or game hens. I do have a couple with crests and one with feathered feet but that hasn’t provoked any attacking.
Enjoy your flock!

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