Chicken run litter necessary?

I might try adding some old leaves as suggest to the mix! We have 70 acres of pasture as well so I could definitely throw in some yard clippings too. Thank you for the recommendations and sharing your method!
When Autumn comes pick up leaves with a leaf shredder and put them down if you think you may like that. Shred up extra for the winter snow. If you're like me I have to hire someone to take care of my I may have a place to put them instead of in the garbage.
Good morning! I have a picture of my chicken coop and run attached. Inside the coop for the girls I have shaving, but I have also been putting shavings in the run as well using the deep litter method. I am just curious to if it is necessary or not for me to put shavings in the run area? It has a dirt floor bottom. I am also doing the same with my ducks. The coop runs have very little flies and do not smell as of now, and I live in the Appalachian mountains so winters can get pretty cold. View attachment 2758001Let me know what y'all think or if you have any recommendations!
Sooooo neat and tidy. I love the dusting area!

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