Chicken sick/head injury?


Apr 30, 2024
D'Uccle chicken suddenly has very swollen and sticky skin around eyes, no appetite and is lightly snorting and shivering. Head and wings and droopy and eyes are extremely dilated, chirps in distress whenever touched. Had ruffled feathers this morning, but I assumed it was because it was very chilly .

I don't think he'll make it by the time I'll be able to get medicine for him but does anyone know what this is for future reference?
Will also add that he has been shaking his head whenever he lifts it up, which is why I suspect a potential head injury. It could be Marek's but I've never seen it come on that quickly within a few hours and the only variant we've gotten is the ocular type which he definitely does not seem to have.
Update, perked up quite a bit however is still lethargic, went from barely able to hold himself upright to walking around and perching. Noticed that when he opens his eyes it seems almost like the eyeball has been pushed down by the swelling, leaving a swollen gap between the eye and the upper eyelid and the bottom eyelid is covering half the eye. Looks quite painful and an eyewash didn't seem to help whatsoever.
Update, perked up quite a bit however is still lethargic, went from barely able to hold himself upright to walking around and perching. Noticed that when he opens his eyes it seems almost like the eyeball has been pushed down by the swelling, leaving a swollen gap between the eye and the upper eyelid and the bottom eyelid is covering half the eye. Looks quite painful and an eyewash didn't seem to help whatsoever.
What did you do different that made him perk up?
@Charlotteandfriends I just left him alone for a hour or so to do some and he came waddling up to me. He's still walking around but occasionally he stops and calls out loudly.
Poor baby. I would keep him inside for however long it takes him to heal up. I keep my sick chickens in a kennel in a nice cool room and give them eggs, pellets with oregano, and nice fresh water in a bowl. I just line the kennel with puppy pads and drape a towel over it so he feels secure. Keep him like that for as long as he needs and see how he does then. If he stays outside it might get worse especially if the weather is too hot/cold. Let me know how he is doing!

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