Chicken tail facing down and poops are weirdšŸ„


In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2024
Hello everyone Iā€™ve noticed my young chickens tails looks Like itā€™s facing down/straight and his poops are really weird and inconsistent, theyā€™re watery or half watery and he makes fart noise most of the time when he poops i havenā€™t seen other peoples chickens do that is that weird..:idunnoand his dooks change colors often (red,green,black,brown,orangish red) Iā€™m not completely sure if thatā€™s normal because of what Iā€™m feeding him or if thereā€™s some kind of problem (I believe red is because of tomatoā€™s, black cuz of black berries, green cuz of leafy vegetables and stuff) but Iā€™m kind concerned of the black poops and because every time I search about healthy poop it says his poops are unhealthy but Iā€™m not sure how to fix it or if itā€™s normal idk Iā€™m really paranoid lol, please help Iā€™m pretty inexperienced compared to everyone else here at this sos :bow
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Can you please post photos of the poop and of your chicken?

How old is he?

What do you feed besides the fruits and veggies?

All those things you mention can certainly affect the color of the poop.
If you want to find out, then cut all those things out for a few days and just feed him a balanced poultry feed. The poop should be more of a normal "color".

Do you provide grit (crushed granite) for your birds?
Hiii thanks for replying :)

-Yes sure , he didnā€™t have any red/black/green poops today though

-I got him around 2months and 1week ago and I believe he was already 2weeks old when I got him Iā€™m not too sure because the person I bought him from he didnā€™t belong to them they just bought him for a school project to sell him so I donā€™t know much about his age or breed but like 2months and 3 weeks although heā€™s very small not sure if thatā€™s just cuz heā€™s a small chicken or because heā€™s very picky with his food and refuses to eat sometimes

-Please donā€™t judge but I donā€™t give him chicken feed because he REFUSES to eat it like he starves him self than have to eat it the only type he likes is bird food so instead I give him a meal made out of like 2 types of leafy veggies (whatever type i got in the fridge), tomatoā€™s , peanuts ,and some bird seeds as a snack because he likes them I try sneaking in his feed but he never eats it , I sometimes add some honey to his water because I heard itā€™s good for them if theyā€™re picky and refuse to eat, I occasionally add (one or 2 of these):carrots ,or cucumbers, watermelon, berries, grapes and stuff, I use to feed him a meal mainly of rice and other stuff but then he decided he hates rice all of the sudden , I try not to mix too many foods at the same time bc I heard itā€™s not good but idk if itā€™s true ,if you know a way to make him start eating feed please tell me because I think that might be more nutritious for him.

-Iā€™ll try to do that with him but Iā€™m gonna stop if I see that he decides to starve him self again , I tried some diffrent types but he just likes veggies and fruits more idk why

-omggg I feel so embrassed I didnā€™t know they needed granite to digest food I always saw him eating rocks but stopped him because I though he was just being silly I feel soo bad Iā€™m sorry donā€™t judge Iā€™m not very educated on this and idk where to start on learning about chickens but I promise Iā€™m trying my best :hit, heā€™s an indoor chicken thought (ye ik this website is for backyard chickens but I had questions ok lol) so should I just add it to the food? I do let him play everyday in our backyard so should I just put the granite there when he plays or would he also need it when we are inside?what type is the best?we have rocks and sand and stuff outside but I donā€™t think itā€™s enough

Sorry for the long reply I have so many questions and when every I search up about it it doesnā€™t give me the answer Iā€™m looking for


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-Please donā€™t judge but I donā€™t give him chicken feed because he REFUSES to eat it like he starves him self than have to eat it the only type he likes is bird food so instead I give him a meal made out of like 2 types of leafy veggies (whatever type i got in the fridge), tomatoā€™s , peanuts ,and some bird seeds as a snack because he likes them I try sneaking in his feed but he never eats it , I sometimes add some honey to his water because I heard itā€™s good for them if theyā€™re picky and refuse to eat, I occasionally add (one or 2 of these):carrots ,or cucumbers, watermelon, berries, grapes and stuff, I use to feed him a meal mainly of rice and other stuff but then he decided he hates rice all of the sudden , I try not to mix too many foods at the same time bc I heard itā€™s not good but idk if itā€™s true
Are you in the U.S.?

Cute little guy!
It's o.k., but it would be good to get him eating a nutritionally balanced poultry feed for most of his diet.

I would slowly start limiting the fruits/veggies, etc. But you'll have to work with him. He's learned if he doesn't eat his normal feed and holds out, he'll get other goodies.

I'd get a small bag of chick starter. Start with a small amount of starter and soak it in a little warm water, this will make a mash.
Add some of the things he likes (seed, bits of tomato, etc.)
Let him eat, if he protests, just leave it. Most birds will not starve themselves, I've never seen it happen.

Every few days, lessen the amount of "goodies" that is in the mash until he's eating just the mash. Keep him on the mash for at least a couple of weeks, then you can start to reintroduce a daily treat (tomato, greens, a small amount of seed, etc.). He can absolutely have a treat but get him on the chicken feed consistently.

I do think he's a boy, so if he's the only chicken you have, I'd leave him on Chick Starter all his life or you can use an All Flock/Flock Raiser feed. Chick starter usually comes in smaller bags, so it may be easier to go through a bag before it gets old. A cockerel/rooster could eat layer feed, but they don't really need all that extra calcium like an actively laying hen does, so for a boy, I'd keep him on Starter if possible.

As for the Grit (crushed granite), yes, you can find that at the feed store like TSC. A bag will last a long time. I'd just put a small amount in a separate dish/cup where he can find it. He may only take a piece or two here and there. They don't have to eat grit every day, so don't mix it with the feed.

His poop is watery, it may be from consume the watery fruits/veggies and not getting enough bulk/protein. Do the best you can and transition him slowly to the feed.

We all have to learn, so if you have any more questions, please ask.

Hopefully at some point, you can find him a friend or two, maybe a couple of little hens so he has company.
Are you in the U.S.?

Cute little guy!
It's o.k., but it would be good to get him eating a nutritionally balanced poultry feed for most of his diet.

I would slowly start limiting the fruits/veggies, etc. But you'll have to work with him. He's learned if he doesn't eat his normal feed and holds out, he'll get other goodies.

I'd get a small bag of chick starter. Start with a small amount of starter and soak it in a little warm water, this will make a mash.
Add some of the things he likes (seed, bits of tomato, etc.)
Let him eat, if he protests, just leave it. Most birds will not starve themselves, I've never seen it happen.

Every few days, lessen the amount of "goodies" that is in the mash until he's eating just the mash. Keep him on the mash for at least a couple of weeks, then you can start to reintroduce a daily treat (tomato, greens, a small amount of seed, etc.). He can absolutely have a treat but get him on the chicken feed consistently.

I do think he's a boy, so if he's the only chicken you have, I'd leave him on Chick Starter all his life or you can use an All Flock/Flock Raiser feed. Chick starter usually comes in smaller bags, so it may be easier to go through a bag before it gets old. A cockerel/rooster could eat layer feed, but they don't really need all that extra calcium like an actively laying hen does, so for a boy, I'd keep him on Starter if possible.

As for the Grit (crushed granite), yes, you can find that at the feed store like TSC. A bag will last a long time. I'd just put a small amount in a separate dish/cup where he can find it. He may only take a piece or two here and there. They don't have to eat grit every day, so don't mix it with the feed.

His poop is watery, it may be from consume the watery fruits/veggies and not getting enough bulk/protein. Do the best you can and transition him slowly to the feed.

We all have to learn, so if you have any more questions, please ask.

Hopefully at some point, you can find him a friend or two, maybe a couple of little hens so he has company.
Hiii thank you so much this helped me a lot! :lol:

lol heā€™s a smart lil guy for knowing how to make me feed him his favorite snacksšŸ¤£, ok so all i need is chick starter, granite, and some of his favorite snacks thatā€™s all he needs yea?Iā€™ll try that and just leave his food until he finally eats it lol
Also nope Iā€™m not in the US

and do you know which type/breed he might be?is his size normal or is he pretty small for his age?

And Yes Iā€™m definitely getting him more friends but would 2 friends be enough?I donā€™t wanna get too many rn cuz Iā€™m still kinda learning and stuff ,Im planning on getting him 2 little ones that are around the same age and size as him (diff colors so ik whoā€™s who lol) bc Iā€™m afraid theyā€™ll bully him if theyā€™re bigger Iā€™ll try to introduce them slowly if that happens but I hope they like each other , another thing, do I have to add a mom chicken with them? Because Iā€™ll have to make him a backyard chicks if I buy new ones my room wonā€™t have enough space so would they need a mom or theyā€™re old enough to be ok on their own? My lil guy thinks Iā€™m his mom so will he be ok if I leave him alone with his new friends ? Because he gets scared when I leave him alone and screams so I made his schedule in a way that he sleeps when Iā€™m at school and when Iā€™m sleeping (idk he sleeps a lot) and when Iā€™m back I hang out with him all day till heā€™s tired and sleeps again,Iā€™m planning on giving each one of his friends same treatment and some alone time with me so if I do that and they also think Iā€™m their mom like he does will they be ok on their own?also do they have to be hens or is whatever ok?

Sorry for so many questions lolll and thanks for all the help I really appreciate it :love
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I don't know what breed he is. The person you got him from was doing a school project? Would they know?

No, you don't need a Mom chicken, you could raise them all together outside in a coop/run.
Ok then :D,thanks sm for all the help :love and nope I donā€™t think so+ I donā€™t know who they are but ig Iā€™ll just figure it out somehow, have a nice day !:p

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