Chicken vitamins


In the Brooder
Jun 27, 2023
Just about every time I have researched what could be wrong with a chick, specific vitamin deficiencies come up. If chickens have so many issues with select vitamin deficiencies, I’m wondering why everything is always labeled for goats or cows, or people post questionable dosage instructions using human vitamins…but no select vitamins that are sold for chickens. ??? (Yes I’m aware of poultry cell and multi vitamins; I’m referring to a targeted one.)
Selenium/E gel and B Complex pastes are labeled for goats and cows. That being said, how much of the selenium/E gel or B complex pastes do you give to an adolescent chicken? Thank you!
Just get people vitamins and break them down to chicken dosages. Vitamins are vitamins.
You give 1 400i.u vitamin E capsule and about a third of a B complex tablet every day for a few weeks to treat issues such as wry neck
I was thinking of crushing multi vitamins and minerals and mixing with their water. I've been using Poultry Cell from the feed store and they have responded well. But have a cabinet full of people vitamins and minerals that are going to waste. I don't want to use something not safe for them.
or people post questionable dosage instructions using human vitamins
'Scuse me, my dosages are direct (math converted) from the Merck vet manual.

As for why they're for larger animals--my theory is that traditionally, people haven't really bothered saving chickens--it's a $10 bird. Most people take the loss. Serious hobbyists/breeders already know what they should do, and probably aren't going to buy a $30 supplement specifically for birds when it's cheaper at Wally World.

It's a fairly new market, and expanding (Covid hobbyists + stores realising that chickens are a Big Deal now). Products are coming.
I've been using Poultry Cell which is a liquid and goes in their water. They have responded well to it. But I'd sure like to save the money and use the stuff in my cabinet that's going to waste.
Any ideas on how I can give it to them, crushed of course?
I was thinking of crushing multi vitamins and minerals and mixing with their water. I've been using Poultry Cell from the feed store and they have responded well. But have a cabinet full of people vitamins and minerals that are going to waste. I don't want to use something not safe for them.
If you've continuously given them vitamins, they may be ODing. Why are you adding vitamins?
If you've continuously given them vitamins, they may be ODing. Why are you adding vitamins?
My chickens have been dieing off one by one. Most likely because when Harvey came through and flooded the land it polluted the soil. So I'm giving them Poultry Cell to boost their immune system. Dosage is 1 oz per gallon of water. And it doesn't seem to be strong but does seem to help. I'm still losing some chickens but not as many.
I've sprayed the coop and pen with vinegar and with permethrin and spread diatomaceous earth. They get out every day also to forage. Everything together seems to be helping. I got 4 and lost 2 then 3 and lost 1.
The heat isn't helping any.
My chickens have been dieing off one by one. Most likely because when Harvey came through and flooded the land it polluted the soil. So I'm giving them Poultry Cell to boost their immune system. Dosage is 1 oz per gallon of water. And it doesn't seem to be strong but does seem to help. I'm still losing some chickens but not as many.
I've sprayed the coop and pen with vinegar and with permethrin and spread diatomaceous earth. They get out every day also to forage. Everything together seems to be helping. I got 4 and lost 2 then 3 and lost 1.
The heat isn't helping any.
I'm sorry you're losing birds. If you lose another, I'd send it for necropsy to verify what going on. I'd dig out their coop and raise the run with outside sourced soil. Stop the vitamins, it's not going to help them at this point and can harm them. Supplements aren't supposed to be given longer than 2 weeks.
What's their diet?

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