Chicken with a limp


May 7, 2024
Scotland, UK
Our Plymouth Rock had a bit of an intermittent limp a wee while back but it seemed to have resolved itself and given it was just after we brought her home I thought it could be either the journey or growing pains, she was only 14wks. I was watching her over the holidays and she seems to have it again. There’s a definite funny run to her. I’m humming and hahing about taking her to the vet as I’m pretty sure he’ll say there’s nothing he can do. Any suggestions?
Have you checked her foot for bumblefoot? Have you examined her legs for any signs of swelling or injury along the entire lengths? I would start there.
Yes, no bumble foot or injury that I can see. When I lift her she waggles her legs normally so it doesn’t look like a hip injury.

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