Chicken with Bloody Stool - Worms or Coccidiocis? Treatment?

Okay so I have treated the sick chicken for Cocci with the Corid and also my other 6 birds in the flock. She is still separated from them. Should I keep her separate for the duration of treatment or is it more stressful for her to do that? The dewormer is coming on Wed. so I will be giving them all that as well. Her latest poops have no evidence of blood or worms,
Give fresh Corid daily.
You generally will not see worms in the poop.

I'd get a sulfa antibiotic to treat infection and Coccidiosis
The sick chicken is doing much better. I treated the entire flock for 3 days with dewormer and will do so again in 10 days. I am on day 5 with Corid in the water for the whole flock as well. Her comb is turning red again and she's moving around and not fluffed up. I'm hoping we are on the mend and she'll be back to laying eggs soon. Thanks for your help.
Do you have photos?

How old is she?

It would be a good idea to gather her up and take a look at her vent and surrounding tissue if you saw blood with worms just to be sure she's not prolapsed, has an injury with maggots, etc.

Do check her crop while you are examining her. Drinking a lot of water with lethargy, often indicates that theirs a crop problem. This can be a symptom of an underlying condition like reproductive disorders, worms, infection and/or coccidiosis.

Once you have examined her/checked her over really well and have determined that prolapse/injury/maggots, etc. are not the source/cause of the blood or worms you saw, then you can treat with for worms. Getting a fecal float is best, but often finding a vet is difficult.

Safeguard liquid goat dewormer (Fenbendazole) will treat most worms that poultry can have except for Tapeworm. Dose is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days.

Corid is used to treat Coccidiosis, Amprolium won't hurt her, if you feel you need to treat, then liquid Corid dose is 2tsp or powder Corid dose is 1 1/2tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.

Yes. Amprolium and Fenbendazole can be given at the same time.
Very good info! I have an additional question for you, can Corid, Fenbendazole & Monistat all be given together? I am currently giving Safe-guard for possible worms, powdered Corid for watery diarrhea & I think she may also have sour crop. When she bends over to eat she leaks watery clear fluid from her beak because she has been drinking SO much. I have separate post about this hen of mine but I wanted to ask on this post so you know what I am referring to. @Wyorp Rock. Yes, I am still trying to figure out what is going on with her & she is still in our bathroom! I have been watching her closely & her respiratory symptoms are gone & I’m pretty sure she had aspirated her leaky beak fluid & that is why she sounded so respiratory. I have tried ACV, garlic, yogurt, probiotics to fix her squishy crop. I started her on safe-guard once a day orally 3 days ago & the Corid I started this afternoon after reading this post I am replying to to see if that helps the diarrhea. She finally just had the most normal poop I’ve seen in 2 weeks, it had a larger green turd in it with a little white cap. Still with a lot of watery fluid in it though. What would cause her watery diarrhea & beak leaking other than excessive water intake?
Very good info! I have an additional question for you, can Corid, Fenbendazole & Monistat all be given together? I am currently giving Safe-guard for possible worms, powdered Corid for watery diarrhea & I think she may also have sour crop. When she bends over to eat she leaks watery clear fluid from her beak because she has been drinking SO much. I have separate post about this hen of mine but I wanted to ask on this post so you know what I am referring to. @Wyorp Rock. Yes, I am still trying to figure out what is going on with her & she is still in our bathroom! I have been watching her closely & her respiratory symptoms are gone & I’m pretty sure she had aspirated her leaky beak fluid & that is why she sounded so respiratory. I have tried ACV, garlic, yogurt, probiotics to fix her squishy crop. I started her on safe-guard once a day orally 3 days ago & the Corid I started this afternoon after reading this post I am replying to to see if that helps the diarrhea. She finally just had the most normal poop I’ve seen in 2 weeks, it had a larger green turd in it with a little white cap. Still with a lot of watery fluid in it though. What would cause her watery diarrhea & beak leaking other than excessive water intake?
Yes, all 3 could be given together.
You've had her on a lot of antibiotics correct?
I'd cut out the ACV, garlic and yogurt. Treat the crop according to the article below.
A little white cooked rice with buttermilk may help firm up the poop.
Corid is only going to treat Coccidiosis, so unless that's the problem, it likely won't help anything.
Hello again. Wanted to update on this girl of mine Gabby. She has stopped spitting up the fluid from her beak however she still has runny stool. Not diarrhea anymore but still very loose. I have been giving her monistat cream twice a day now for almost 3 weeks. What can I do to stop her diarrhea? She still does not lay eggs & has not swelling anywhere. She eats her feed normally now & still drinks ALOT! She still has a slightly pale comb & closes her eyes often & shakes her head. I finally got her integrated back into the coop 3 weeks ago & she is doing well with the others & acting normal for the most part. Sometimes she seems to be cold & my coop is heated to 40 degrees. They do have daytime access to their covered & enclosed run, but she does appear to be smart enough to go inside when she gets cold. BThis runny poop still concerns me. I’m afraid that she is just pooping out all the nutrients & hydration & that’s pro why she drinks so much. I have dewormed her with Ivermectin pour on & later safeguard in water. Tried Corid just in case she had coccidiosis. I don’t know what else to try to stop the runny projectile diarrhea. It is brown with food bits in it.

Any thoughts / suggestions for me are much appreciated.

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