Chicken with paralysis, head tremors, but otherwise sharp and alert

Jul 24, 2023
Recently, my 2 years old chicken went lame and had watery diarrhea so I assumed she was eggbound. After a few days of warm baths, calcium and lubing the vent, there was still no egg (nor could I feel one inside or outside the vent). It has now been 3 weeks of feeding this poor girl baby food and omega water in the nesting box and crate, and she is still alive, alert, hungry and pooping (though not well). Comb is bright and firm and feathers are beautiful. She does have head tremors now, which is new, but “snaps out of it” and goes back to eating. The rest of my flock is healthy. They free range during the day and have plenty of access to feed and occasional scraps and mealworms.

What could this be?? I’m at a loss.
Egg bound hens cannot poop. Are both legs lame or paralyzed? Is there any way you could upload a video of her and her head tremors to YouTube with a link posted here? Vitamin E 400 IU plus vitamin B complex 1/4-1/2 tablet daily would,be something I would try. She should be getting a layer or all flock balanced chicken feed as 90% of her food.
Egg bound hens cannot poop. Are both legs lame or paralyzed? Is there any way you could upload a video of her and her head tremors to YouTube with a link posted here? Vitamin E 400 IU plus vitamin B complex 1/4-1/2 tablet daily would,be something I would try. She should be getting a layer or all flock balanced chicken feed as 90% of her food.
Both legs are affected, though her right leg seems to be weaker. She can push herself to a semi-stand with the help of her beak but can’t stay standing for long; eventually she slowly sinks to one side or the other. Thank you for the vitamin req! I will get a video posted asap. It is a fast intermittent head shake with lots of beak clicking, and some slow dipping of the head.
Both legs are affected, though her right leg seems to be weaker. She can push herself to a semi-stand with the help of her beak but can’t stay standing for long; eventually she slowly sinks to one side or the other. Thank you for the vitamin req! I will get a video posted asap. It is a fast intermittent head shake with lots of beak clicking, and some slow dipping of the head.
What ever came of this? I have a chicken who was egg bound and after the eggs came out had these symptoms. It's been a week and still paralyzed.
What ever came of this? I have a chicken who was egg bound and after the eggs came out had these symptoms. It's been a week and still paralyzed.
How old is she? There can be a temporary paralysis with a stuck egg sometimes. But I would give some calcium citrate with vitamin d tablet 300-600 mg orally into her beak in case she is still blocked. Was she vaccinated for Mareks as a chick? Can she move her legs and feet at all if you stand her up?
How old is she? There can be a temporary paralysis with a stuck egg sometimes. But I would give some calcium citrate with vitamin d tablet 300-600 mg orally into her beak in case she is still blocked. Was she vaccinated for Mareks as a chick? Can she move her legs and feet at all if you stand her up?
Shes almost a year old. Not vaccinated. She can move her legs some but can't stand up on her own. I think it's gotten worse since I brought her inside. She was weak outside and would trip a lot with her weak legs but could still run. Since I brought her in to rest and recoup after finally passing her two eggs, she can't stand at all. Tonorrow will be a week since she passed the eggs. She had solid poops for a few days after I brought her in, but the last couple days it's been runny poop. She's still eating and drinking. We got a sling for her as was recommended, and she moved around but struggled. Not sure if her laying on her side made things worse and if I had left her be outside she would have been okay.
Egg bound hens cannot poop. Are both legs lame or paralyzed? Is there any way you could upload a video of her and her head tremors to YouTube with a link posted here? Vitamin E 400 IU plus vitamin B complex 1/4-1/2 tablet daily would,be something I would try. She should be getting a layer or all flock balanced chicken feed as 90% of her food.

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