Chicken with swollen and twisted legs but not limping!


Jul 11, 2022
Hello fellow chicken people!
I noticed today, that of our chickens (a Speckled Sussex) has swollen legs. They look terrible and seem to be twisting. I don’t think she’s had it for very long. I spend a bit of time with them and only noticed it today. She does not seem to be in pain unless I press on the swollen spots. She walks fine and is still scratching around, yet this is completely unnatural for her legs to be so swollen. She is 4 years old but has always been healthy previous to this.

I checked some websites for solutions and saw that it could be internal bumble-foot. We have tried to treat some chickens before for bumble-foot but they were too infected and we had to put them down. We had an intense coop cleaning and chicken spray-down after that. I would love your input on what this current chicken’s inflammation could be.

Any suggested treatments? All help is welcome! Thank you so much!





Mycoplasma Synoviae (MS) is a possibility. However, there are other symptoms as well. It is also contagious to other birds. If there are no other symptoms in other birds, I'd suspect Articular gout.,-Control,-and-Prevention_v3342251
There isnt any treatment for gout. Comfort care is all you can provide for your Speckled Sussex. I've dealt with Articular gout in one of my older Buff Leghorn roosters. I eventually had to cull him.
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It looks like mycoplasma synoviae ( MS) to me as well. The pictures I have seen of that disease usually cause swollen joints, hock and ankle, while the toes appear normal. There may be a breast blister or scab on the breast bone, from sitting a lot and pressure. PCR testing is the best way to know what is going on. That could be done through a lab or with a necropsy after death. Here is some reading about MS: MS ENG.pdf
Thank you everybody for your suggestions. I don’t know anything about these diseases mentioned, but I will read the links and learn about it.

The weird thing is, I have read a LOT of chicken books, and these ailments either weren’t mentioned or they didn’t resonate with me. :idunno
It looks like mycoplasma synoviae ( MS) to me as well. The pictures I have seen of that disease usually cause swollen joints, hock and ankle, while the toes appear normal. There may be a breast blister or scab on the breast bone, from sitting a lot and pressure. PCR testing is the best way to know what is going on. That could be done through a lab or with a necropsy after death. Here is some reading about MS: MS ENG.pd
She doesn’t have a breast blister or scab.:D
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Chicken report:
Firefly is still acting and walking normal. We haven’t been soaking her legs consistently due to freezing weather or putting antibiotics in her water. We kept her with the flock and the others haven’t caught it. For now, I’m just keeping a close eye on our Firefly.

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