Chicken with swollen eyelid, congested sounding breathing and sluggish, please help!

Besides metronidazole, acidified copper sulfate is sometimes used to treat canker. Dosage is 1/4 tsp per gallon of water in a plastic or non-metal waterer for 3 or more days.
Is there a specific brand or place you would recommend buying from? Is it something ordered online? Thank you!
Thank you for the links! I ordered some ACS and it should arrive around Friday.
I just got home and she ate a little pepper, but I’m concerned because I noticed some very thick mucus/saliva in her water where she must have drank and it came out of her mouth, and there was more small globs around the pine shavings. It’s really thick. She lowers her head and then shakes it several times and the mucus comes flying out. Could this be nasal drainage from around her swollen eye or from the yellow plaque? No smell to it. Will the ACS help with this?


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Thank you for the links! I ordered some ACS and it should arrive around Friday.
I just got home and she ate a little pepper, but I’m concerned because I noticed some very thick mucus/saliva in her water where she must have drank and it came out of her mouth, and there was more small globs around the pine shavings. It’s really thick. She lowers her head and then shakes it several times and the mucus comes flying out. Could this be nasal drainage from around her swollen eye or from the yellow plaque? No smell to it. Will the ACS help with this?
Also noticed too that it seems to worsen while/right after she takes a drink of water. It makes it harder for her to eat, I can tell she wants to eat but when it gets stuck in her mouth she becomes disinterested for a bit then tries again.
I think it would be very hard to deal with a hen having these issues with the yellow plaques and all of the mucus. She seems to have a good food drive still. The mucus increases when she is eating, and some may drain from her sinuses through the cleft in the roof of her beak. I haven’t dealt with canker or wet fowl pox before. Some have wriiten about removing any plaques that are blocking the inside of the beak or throat. Those will bleed. Canker can extend into the nasal cavity and down into the crop, so it can be hard to treat. If you lose her one day, I would try to have the state vet diagnose what she had with a necropsy and testing.
I think it would be very hard to deal with a hen having these issues with the yellow plaques and all of the mucus. She seems to have a good food drive still. The mucus increases when she is eating, and some may drain from her sinuses through the cleft in the roof of her beak. I haven’t dealt with canker or wet fowl pox before. Some have wriiten about removing any plaques that are blocking the inside of the beak or throat. Those will bleed. Canker can extend into the nasal cavity and down into the crop, so it can be hard to treat. If you lose her one day, I would try to have the state vet diagnose what she had with a necropsy and testing.

Would the Acidified Copper Sulfate help with the mucus? If it is possibly nasal drainage, if I were to try treating her for a few days with the Tylosin again to help with her breathing, would it be okay to use along with the ACS? Thank you again for all of your help through this!
Also I read on a few threads here that I will need to give probiotics after treatment with the ACS. Can I give her some during treatment or should it only be afterwards, and what kind of probiotics should I give? I have some yogurt and powdered probiotics in the pill capsules I could sprinkle on her food, would that work?
I have never used ACS, but I will tag @azygous and @dawg53 for any advice. Plain Greek yogurt has probiotics, and you can get some Probios or generic probiotics at feed stores. The human ones have many of the same beneficial ones as well. I have read that you can give probiotics while treating with antibiotics, while some people say to wait until they are finished. Personally, I take some if I am rarely taking an antibiotic. Acidified copper sulfate is not an antibiotic though, but is antibacterial and antifungal, so probiotics are good to get the beneficial gut bacteria back in shape.
Hi all thought I’d give an update: today she finished her third full day of ACS water, checked her mouth and the yellow plaque was still there, it was hard for me to get a good look at it though to see if it shrunk in size. She was a little more energetic this morning than before, did not eat much during the day but ate some before bed like usual. She still has some thick mucus/saliva that comes out of her mouth. I’m hoping it’ll get better as I keep treating her with ACS.
Unfortunately my other chicken is now sick with sour crop :th, the past few days her poop had looked unusual, small green pieces with urates and pretty watery/loose. I felt her crop this morning and it was full and squishy, massaged it for a bit and a foul smell came out of her mouth. She’s been free ranging recently and eating a lot of grass, although it could be something else she ate that wasn’t right. She’s acting like her usual self for the most part, but definitely not well. I’ll probably end up giving her some ACS water too since I learned it’s good for sour crop. Also thinking of worming both chickens just to rule out the possibility of worms or other internal parasites. Now I have them both in the coop separated. Very defeated and frustrated, but I’m going to try my best to help both girls.:barnie

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