Chickens ate avocado peels! Help!


Mar 17, 2023
My chickens ate some avocado! I don’t think they ate much of the peels, but I don’t know since I am not currently home and will be gone for a while. Someone is helping us out with our chickens, and without knowing that avocado is poisonous to chickens, she fed it to them. She will remove the avocado, but the chickens might have already consumed some. The chickens are medium sized, maybe to the smaller side. I have heard that a little bit of avocado won’t do any damage, but too much can kill them. What should I do?
My chickens ate some avocado! I don’t think they ate much of the peels, but I don’t know since I am not currently home and will be gone for a while. Someone is helping us out with our chickens, and without knowing that avocado is poisonous to chickens, she fed it to them. She will remove the avocado, but the chickens might have already consumed some. The chickens are medium sized, maybe to the smaller side. I have heard that a little bit of avocado won’t do any damage, but too much can kill them. What should I do?
For now, make sure they are monitored for any symptoms, if they only ate a little they could be fine. If it looks bad, I found this which was an answer to somebody’s chicken eating half an avocado peel.
Get some activated charcoal immediately from the pharmacy aisle in the store. It comes in gel caps. Also grab a bottle of milk of magnesia. Pop two into her beak, one after the other, followed by a half tablespoon of the milk of magnesia. Then place her with plenty of fresh water. If she's too faded to drink on her own, you may need to syringe the fluids into her beak.

The activated charcoal and milk of magnesia will neutralize the toxin, and hopefully, your hen will recover if you've gotten this soon enough.
Unless the chickens actually consumed the peelings and only ate the avocado pulp, they will be okay. The seed is where the toxin really is, and it's rare that a chicken will eat the seed.
It’s the beginning of November now and our chickens haven’t had any reactions at all so I think it’s pretty safe to say they are fine and didn’t eat any pits or peels.

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