Chickens barely get out of the coop

Its OK to leave the feed and water in the coop. Elevate the water if its a covered system or put a cover over it if its just a bowl to keep them from standing in the bowl. I've used both types without issue inside the coop. Chickens are messy so get used to it. Don't worry if they don't leave their coop yet. They will when they're ready. Keeping the coop closed til noon or one is a good way to keep the eggs being laid inside the coop rather than out in the yard. Several of my ladies love hiding their babies which I find when I do yard work lol. Some girls are shy at first. Pretty soon they won't want the coop at all except to sleep. Cheers!
I'll look into the nipple waterer, that could work (if they are smart enough to learn how to use them! 😄)

In the meantime I'll put a bowl with some juicy veggies and fruits in the coop during nighttime. Thank you for the ideas!

It's not too cold, it's hardly freezing these days. -1/-2°C (28-30F) during the night, and well above 5 or even 10 during the day.

I'd say that they are still too scared to go on adventures 😉
😂 That IS cold to a chicken! Chickens need to have access to food and water from sun up until sundown. You don't need to have food or water for them overnight as they are only going to be perching and staying safe off the ground.
Hey folks! This is my first message in this forum. I just got my first 4 hens, and I don't know anything about chicken care yet, but I'm super excited about it 🙂

My chickens have only been here for 3 days, so they barely get out of the coop. I moved their food and water out of the coop, and they get out to eat and drink, and go right back in.

I know that it will take some time, so that's ok, but in the meantime I'm not sure what I should do at night. I don't want to bring the water into the coop, because they spill it and make a mess with the bedding, but I'm not sure if it's ok to keep them without water for 13-14 hours (around here sun goes down at 7pm, and I open the coop door around 8am-9am).

Thank you!
Just my two cents worth , That's too long for chicks. I hatched bought eggs twice. Got 22 babies total. My babies are one month apart and the older ones are now 4 months. When they were first born I bought these little quail waterers that clip on the side thru the chicken wire. Until they were about a month old we put rocks down into the bottom of them so they wouldn't drown . When we first took them out of the incubator after 24 hours, I gave them bowls that were low with rocks in them so they wouldn't drown, with the quail watering bowls, though I could adjust it high enough that until they were able to control themselves they couldn't jump up on it but they could still get in it with their beaks to drink. I've raised it as they grow. It keeps them from making big messes, but honestly on the mess thing, that's chickens, they make messes.🤣

I have seen some very cool baby chick waterers online that trickle the water from a container on to a little mat because they can drown but they do pretty much need water constantly. I used to take care of my baby's constantly for the first 3 weeks, they were literally in a little brooder on my countertop. Once they went into their outside space, I tended them morning, afternoon and night.

Now that they are older, those same feeders mentioned above serve as additional feeding space for the smaller ones in my flock. I still had to get them food and water in the morning and in the evening until I got a second waterer.

Side note: I bought a big one that hangs and it has legs, as they got bigger they started knocking it over so I hung it, but they would still drain it in less than a half day. Once I got the second one, they still have water left the next morning. But of course, they're older and I have many more than 4.

As far as letting them out of the coop, it's way too soon, I think. I'm guessing they were shipped to you as soon as they were born ? Or are they older? My youngest babies are about two and a half mos. almost 3 months old and they get into all kinds of things and wander off. We've lost a few of them because we let them out of the coop too soon. They don't come back or they'll wander off, they'll get into stuff, get stuck or you end up having to chase. Thankfully I have a herding dog . My intention was that they be free range and they will be as they get older, for now I let them out in small spurts for an hour or two because if I let them out all day, they will end up in an area of the property that they shouldn't be. I lost several to a junk pile a few weeks ago, it was far away from their area and they still got into it through a hole in the back of the building that I didn't know existed.

We have 4 Acres so they definitely will free range (as the grown chickens) on the property .. I really wanted them to be out there now and the other chickens accept them fine, but it seems you have to do it a little at a time when they're little because they still don't have the good sense to not get themselves in trouble or wander away.. Also eagles, as well as hawks will snatch them up, if you're in certain areas.
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