chickens mating with ducks???

the 412 chicks

10 Years
Jul 22, 2009
I have a mature leghorn rooster that is mating with my mallards and pekins? the ducks run away but the rooster just chases them around all day what should i do for the ducks???
Hmmm. Fried chicken?

Unless you want dickens. Or chucks.
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Fried chicken or separate them. Guess he got lucky. I've had roosters and ducks for 2 years but have never had a problem yet. If so, they'd be split off from eachother asap.
John my drake started "practicing" with pullets as he matured. I got him some ducks, hoping he would go to his own kind.
He did.
But he still chases and does the deed with the younger hens.
My drake mates with my geese. And I'm pretty sure the geese are males. To each his own, I guess. Maybe I need more duck hens to keep him busy. Actually, I know I need more hens. But at least I know he does a good job of fertilizing--I have yet to find an infertile egg in my flock.
I would have Ducks that layed eggs every day? i dont wanna have chicken for dinner because i wanna breed him with some other CHICKENS when the hens mature.

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