Wives for my Pekin Drakes


Aug 27, 2024
I have three ducks I basically rescued as ducklings. They’re Pekins (yes I somehow survived what I call “attack of the niacin deficiency” months), and unfortunately it wound up 2 drakes and 1 hen. With the ideal drake to hen ratio I clearly need more hens. But I would really prefer to NOT get more Pekins. Don’t get me wrong, they’re adorable, but not sure I want more of them. Is there another breed of duck that would be large enough to endure the drake’s mating antics/size? (I’m not breeding, just eating the eggs.)
Rouen are a large breed, you might feel comfortable with those.

Don't let off on the niacin though. Pekin need extra their whole lives to ensure they don't develop problems.
Oh, I haven’t. I’ve finally nailed down the amount they need. We’ve gone two months without issues. Those first few months were just a ton of trial and error, felt like we would never get it right. lol
I was thinking Rouen also but why they gotta be "wives" I think the boys would prefer girlfriends more. They won't feel so trapped in.
Let’s go with “harem.” 😂 Tbh though… these dudes are way more attached than the hen. I think she’d be happy for them to leave her well enough alone! Hahaha
Any heavyweight breeds and most medium weight would probably work fine. Rouens and very comparable in size. Also Silver appleyard, Saxony, Cayuga, Swedish.

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