chicken's vents are bleeding


Mar 4, 2025
I have had these chickens since they were chicks almost a year ago. never had a problems with them. they started laying eggs in late sept. oct. of last year. I noticed yesterday that 8 out of my 12 chicken vents are bleeding, they were not the day before or ever. they do not free roam and have a safe and secure coop. I do not understand what is happening. they have been eating and drinking fine and egg production has been good. I don't know what to do.
They're being pecked by the other birds.
This can be caused by:
Tight quarters.
Unbalanced diet.
Chickens being jerks.

How big is their coop? How many birds?
Diet? Checked for mites/lice?
Anything for them to do?
They're being pecked by the other birds.
This can be caused by:
Tight quarters.
Unbalanced diet.
Chickens being jerks.

How big is their coop? How many birds?
Diet? Checked for mites/lice?
Anything for them to do?
There are 12 chickens they are smokey pearls they have been on the same diet layerd pellet feed dumor brand there coop is 12x24 foot coop. they have runs and toys to play with. it was just weird that they were fine the day before when I was feeding and watering them then the next day I went down there and 8 out of 12 were bleeding when they raised their tail almost looked like I could see something maybe an egg? also my chickens are white how do I check for lice/mites?
Your description of the bleeding vents is very broad. We might envision anything from a small pecking wound to a gush of blood flowing from their vents.

Try narrowing it down for us, and photos would be helpful. Wet the feathers so we can see if the blood is coming from inside the vent or from an external pecking injury.
I do not have pictures at the moment they seem like they are actively bleeding but I don't understand why it is all of my chickens except 4 of them they act fine have been eating and drinking fine
How long has this been happening for? Is it oozing, trickling, pouring out?
What do their poops look like. Could it be bloody poop you are seeing?
Photos of the hens and their poops really would help.
I at work and do not have pictures it is not poop and it is blood dripiing from inside when they raise their tails its like I can almost see inside of them, it is just really red and bloody almost looks like you can see an egg maybe it defin. isn't an outside wound. I just don't understand how they all were fine then the next day 8 out of my 12 chickens are doing the same thing all at the same time they all look the same, have been eating and drinking fine. this has been happening since sunday evening

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