Chickens won’t lay in boxes, feels like we’ve tried nearly everything

Our BLK AUS are 18 months old and to this day have not ever used the nest box. No big deal for us, birds do what birds do. Sorta makes it easy as they all lay in the same corner of coop.
Take the artificial grass out of the nest boxes. That's something different from the main floor. It probably feels or smells funny. Hens like to nestle a bit before laying. Make the shavings deeper in the boxes.
My suggestion.
I agree. My nesting boxes have a 2"+ lip on the front of the boxes, to be used as a perch... as well as holding all the bedding material in.
One easy experiment is to get a large closed cardboard box and cut a door in the side, add a few inches of hay in there (not wood shavings) and wait a week.
I found most hens will love an actual enclosed area like this, and prefer it to many of the more open style nesting areas. Cut the door towards a corner so as to give as private a space as possible.
I agree. My nesting boxes have a 2"+ lip on the front of the boxes, to be used as a perch... as well as holding all the bedding material in.
Also... the type of bedding used can make a difference. I use what mother nature offers. From dried corn husks to pine needles.

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