Chicks arriving Monday!

Contact McMurray Hatchery BY PHONE immediately and cancel the cocci vaccination if you can't get non-medicated feed locally. 1-800-456-3280

We did a brooder kiddie pool too. You might want to think about surrounding it with 4' high chicken wire fence, or those chicks of yours will be flying out by the time they are a few weeks old. We found none of ours got over the 4' high fence, although our White Faced Black Spanish did make the attempt. I talked about and posted pics our brooder set up in this post...

The paper towels go on top of the shavings for the first few days until the little darlings learn what food is supposed to look like.

We didn't even use 1 whole bag of shavings for our pool brooder and our chicks were in it for 6 or 7 weeks!

*sigh* In truth, I do not know if there are any ill effects from using medicated feed with vaccinated chicks other than nullifying the vaccine. I fed medicated to my vaccinated chicks for 2 days before I read that you should not do it. However, i cannot find any information saying that it is otherwise harmful to the chicks. My chicks are fine, and I did switch to unmedicated. If you havent already, take a look at this post- it's very informative:

Have you asked your feed store if they could order in some unmedicated starter for you?

I do hope that someone comes along that can clarify this issue. In the meantime, try and find the unmedicated starter if you can, but don't get too worked up over it if you cannot.

way I understand this paper from the University of Maine Extension Office... Either feed medicated chick starter OR get the chick vaccinated for coccidiosis.

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PRECAUTIONS: Administer vaccine only to healthy chicks. Do not use any anti-coccidial drug in the feed or water. The feed should contain adequate amounts of vitamins K and A.

According to Murray McMurray Hatchery catalogue: Coccidiosis Vaccination: To reduce the threat of coccidiosis you should either: 1) Have us vaccinate your birds and not use medicated feed. OR 2) Use a medicated feed containing a coccidiostat. Organic Growers: Vaccinations are in compliance with the NOP/USDA organic standards. You should verify with your certifying agency before having us vaccinate your chicks.

Perhaps you should discuss this issue with your vet.

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I believe I'll be calling McMurray as soon as they open up to see if I can simply cancel the vaccination orders (here's hoping it's not too late, but I don't think it should be...) - and perhaps ask /them/ if feeding medicated feed to vaccinated chicks will actually do harm, or just cancel out the vaccine.

I'm inclined to believe, after some thought, and other posts on the thread linked to above, that if feeding medicated feed to vaccinated chicks did anything but nullify the vaccine, McMurray's website would say: "If you feed medicated feed, they will get very ill and die!" as opposed to "it will nullify your vaccine".

And no, the local feed store actually /makes/ the feed here in town (it's a feed plant, actually) and they do not make non-medicated chick starter.

I /can/ get it out of town... but not until late next week since the second nearest feed store is OUT... and by then, the chicks will either be on medicated, with a nullified vaccine or none at all, or starved to death. *laugh* So medicated it is, I guess.

Not what I wanted, but I guess nothing's perfect.

Say. Anybody know the odds on whether or not an order of 29 chicks being sent to Montana in fairly cold weather will all be placed in the same shipping compartment vs being placed in a couple with some extra roos for warmth thrown in? Trying to plan for the unknown, I know...

Also, anybody know the odds of getting a couple miss-sexed roosters out of 28 hens plus a free chick? I know McMurray guarantees 90% accuracy, but does anyone know what's typical? I didn't order any roos because... I thought I might get a couple, and didn't want to end up with more than I could handle. But I really hope that I /do/ get a couple...
We got our flock from McMurray. We ordered 25 heritage/rare standard breed pullets. We declined the free exotic and they sent us 26 (2 of one that we ordered).

We got our chicks in June, so not sure how many extras you would get with your order. I believe that for the larger orders the chicks are shipped in a larger box.

The people at McMurray are wonderful to work with. One of our pullet chicks didn't survive the trip. I called the hatchery within 48 hours of arrival to let them know we didn't think one of the chicks was going to survive. They immediately credited us for the chick and its Marek's vaccination. Because we couldn't tell which chick didn't make it, they credited us for the most expensive pullet chick we ordered (Silver Grey Dorking).

Out of our 25 remaining pullet chicks, 2 turned out to be males. So we found their sexing to meet their 90% accuracy guarantee.

New chicks are pretty fun and exciting!

Good luck!
An update: Called McMurray's, and the cocci vaccination was cancelled easily! Hurrah!

Got the brooder mostly set up, but I'm going to have to add another light... or move them indoors. It's way too chilly in the garage, I think.

Still don't have any cardboard up around it yet, but I just don't see it changing much. Only a few inches out from directly under the lamp and it drops to 55 degrees. I'm not sure even a second lamp (and I hvae the 250 watt infared heat lamps) will help too much. But indoors might be the best option, except for those kitties.
I am getting some chicks from the MM hatch this weekend too. I just wanted to let you know that the last time we ordered our chicks they got here on Sunday and not Monday. The post office called us that Sunday morning to come get the little ones. I asked the P.O if there will be people there on Easter and they said yes. So I will be ready in case they call tomorrow morning.
Well, just got off the phone with MM. No chicks for me today. They had a bad hatch and won't be sending my chicks until next week. Argg! All of this worrying and I have to do it for another week! Hope they sent yours out and that they are ok.

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