Chick's First Hatch! (We hope!) And they're ducks!!! - Hatch-Along

Like I said some don't even turn before incubating them so whatever you can do should be fine, I wouldn't stress overturning them.
Okay so here's our little egg cache situation out in the shop... We got a third egg today! I'm assuming it's the same girl laying each day, unless I see two at once. The fridge thawed out just fine, but I haven't set that back up yet. Should be an exciting day, picking up our friend's incubator tomorrow!

Getting this bad boy fired up! @Huntmaster How did you know!?? Lol I know they sell this one practically everywhere, so I'm sure it's pretty common. Any tips?

I've got it warming up on top of the mini fridge upstairs, but it'll probably be moved down into the laundry room tomorrow, since if anyone makes it, the brooder would be set up down there, too. I think it makes sense to have them close by. I used a disinfectant to clean everything I could and added filtered water. Figured out how to adjust the day count to 28 and tested the turner. I plan to wash the eggs in warm water and peroxide before placing them, and I'll probably label them 1A, 2B etc. So I know which was the first, and which were laid later. I can't really think of anything else???

Oh! Re: Placement in the incubator. Since I probably will only have six or seven eggs, I didn't know if I should keep them all together in the center ring area? Or stagger them out around the surface so there's more space for circulation around them? I don't know what may provide the most even warming and turning experience for such a small little clutch.
The regulator looks like it's doing well, and I added an open cup of water into the mini fridge to increase humidity. Not sure if adding a second one would help raise it even a bit higher? But anyway I put today's egg straight in there and will move the ones from the shop in later today. The 360 is chugging along... I'm starting to get a little excited!


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Check out this thread (Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator Is Amazing) by @CluckNDoodle you should be able to find all the info you could ever need on that incubator there. I never wash my eggs that removes the natural protective bloom from the eggs that keeps bacteria from growing. I just lightly brush off any excess dirt.
Thanks, I will definitely be checking out that thread!

Yeah, I know it's probably a controversial topic, and I haven't washed them yet, like for general storage, I don't. But based on my (albeit limited) research, I decided to wash since they are the only potentially viable eggs from our old drake I might ever have, I want to give them the very best shot I can.

In this post, she uses bleach, but I watched a video where she uses peroxide, so I think that's what I'll try. She also makes the point that all the big hatcheries are sanitizing their eggs, and obviously they wouldn't do it if it made the hatch rates go down. to 1,in water to wash soap ... More items
Thanks, I will definitely be checking out that thread!

Yeah, I know it's probably a controversial topic, and I haven't washed them yet, like for general storage, I don't. But based on my (albeit limited) research, I decided to wash since they are the only potentially viable eggs from our old drake I might ever have, I want to give them the very best shot I can.

In this post, she uses bleach, but I watched a video where she uses peroxide, so I think that's what I'll try. She also makes the point that all the big hatcheries are sanitizing their eggs, and obviously they wouldn't do it if it made the hatch rates go down. eggs before incubation - reason/how to 1,in water to wash soap ... More items
for some reason if I don' t have a full incubator I always keep mine in the outer ring and space between them. Right now I have 11 in mine so have 2-4 together then a space then more, space etc. Not sure how much of a difference it makes though since when I have had it fuller the ones inside and outside developed and hatched at the same time.
for some reason if I don' t have a full incubator I always keep mine in the outer ring and space between them. Right now I have 11 in mine so have 2-4 together then a space then more, space etc. Not sure how much of a difference it makes though since when I have had it fuller the ones inside and outside developed and hatched at the same time.
That sounds good! I have them in the center now, but I think when I candle I will space them out a bit more. If they get past 6 days, I may start taking them out for cooling breaks and then put them back in different places, just so no one egg is sitting in a "hot spot". 🤷 I think you're right though that if possible, more air circulation is not a bad thing.
That sounds good! I have them in the center now, but I think when I candle I will space them out a bit more. If they get past 6 days, I may start taking them out for cooling breaks and then put them back in different places, just so no one egg is sitting in a "hot spot". 🤷 I think you're right though that if possible, more air circulation is not a bad thing.
The good thing with the NR360 is you don't have to worry about hot or cold spots since the eggs rotate around the whole thing so each one will hit hot spots, cold spots, perfect spots but not always sit there. So they get a bit of everything.

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