chicks for sale new hampshire

I'm not anti-bantam, I just can't have them. Most of my birds are free range so the bantams would get eaten really fast.

Whats the white chick in the basket? Is it a silkie? If so, where are you located?

Chiken, when your Cuckoos start laying and hatch out some chicks would you let me know please?
I would be interested in a couple, and maybe a couple Blue Orpingtons.
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i am not sure if this is to me>???
i only bought and hatched cuckoo;s for someone else i dont have them, i can pass the info off to the person raising them she wont have eggs or chicks til next yr.
and i have only buff orpingtons not blue, if your interested in buffs i have some available now.
i can start to collect eggs for you, i just hatched 4 babies, i dont ship chicks, sorry.6-8 eggs plus shipping is $20.-
i do have some blue polish chicks , most are a week to 3 weeks old, i believe they are bantams. i will be bringing what i have to milford on the 14th if that helps.

sarabensmom what do you raise, maybe i would be interested in a trade.

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