
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16 🤍✝️
Mar 5, 2021
Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
Does anybody know about availability for chicks in the next few weeks in King/Snohomish County, Washington? I'm hoping to add to my flock and help some friends find chicks but it's been difficult this week. I'm assuming the bird flu is having quite the impact and now everyone wants some. After waiting for 4.5 hours and there being 100s of people at my local feed store yesterday, I got 3 chicks, but was planning on six and getting some for a friend.

I checked all the hatcheries that I knew about to see about ordering directly from them but that is not looking possible - Valley, Murray McMurray, Ideal, Hoover's, Cackle, Meyer, My Pet Chicken, etc. seemed to be virtually sold out until late summer.

Anyway, I'm planning on getting a few more babies. I can try at my local feed store again next week on Friday, or Coastal, and if absolutely necessary TSC, but I'd rather avoid them.

Anybody have an inside scoop or if there's any left at other stores right now, how to find the dates of when they're coming in, etc.? I'd prefer the chicks to all be about the same age as they grow up.

My preferred breeds would be welsummers, a lav. orp, Rhode Island Reds, or easter eggers - pretty common breeds.

Thanks y'all!

(The 3 we got yesterday: a white crested polish, 'smokey pearl', and cream legbar. Name ideas appreciated!)

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