Chocolate Silver Laced Orpington

Myrtle Branch

In the Brooder
Apr 16, 2024
I have raised 2 Chocolate Silver Laced Orpingtons. I am wondering does the lacing get better as they get older? They are about 7 weeks old. Their lacing isn't great. I have heard that you can really tell until they molt. Is this true or can you tell the coloring and lacing now? I am in fear I am going to have to scratch breeding either of these and get another linage of birds. TIA
For some chickens the lacing does improve, and can change altogether as they go through their juvenile molts and into their adult feathers. But if it looks really bad now, I'd strongly consider lining up alternate breeding stock so you don't lose too much time if these don't work out.
Thank you. I am definitely going to look for another pullet or hen then. The cockerel may stand a chance. I think the pullet may have a recessive white gene. I will just love her and she can be part of our free range girls in our egg coop. I am not going to put her with the breeding stock.

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