Christmas music already?????


10 Years
Jun 6, 2009
S.E Ind
My daughter is listening to her favorite christian music station (93.3 FM in Cincy) and they are playing Christmas carols........
already????? I know they have all the Christmas items out in the stores already but we haven't even made it to Thanksgiving yet.
I remember a time when Christmas things weren't even seen or mentionend til around Thanksgiving. Then they made their way to the stores right after Halloween, then before, now it's right after labor day. What next???
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Holy glass in a frame!!! I... I don't know what to say other than 'BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES!'
There is a station that usually starts Nov 1. But I have a rule in our house that Christmas music is not allowed in the house till the day after Thanksgiving!!!!!!The kids can play the music in their cars and in their rooms just so I can't hear it.
I love Christmas time too but I just want to be able to enjoy the other seasons/holidays first before being bombarded by all the music and holiday decorations. At some point I'd love to have a house big enough so I can have one room that is decorated in Christmas trees/lights etc all year round. That way I can enjoy it when the 'mood' strikes and just shut the door when it doesn't I too won't begrudge anyone who loves to enjoy everything Christmas year round. For some it's what brightens their day.

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