Chronic egg bound hen advice

Baytril which is banned for use in chickens in the US, is probably the best antibiotic to use for internal laying, etc, but it will not stop them from laying. You can buy it online and get dosage on this thread "baytril and enrofloxacin sources, " if you put that into the search box top of this page. Vets are not supposed to prescribe it to chickens, but yours may if you sign a waiver that you are not going to use her for meat or eggs. Also, your vet could prescribe Supralorin hormone implants to stop her from laying for 4-6 months. It is something that some on BYC have used before.

Here is the thread for baytril dosage and ordering:

Here is a thread and a link for suprelorin/desorelin implants:
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My vet can't see her til Wednesday but he said he'd take a look...not sure what route he'll go. I gave her more penecillin this morning and also a little nutri drench. She ate a little worms, little water. Her breathing is worse like a little whistle when she breathes...if she has a respiratory infection is she contagious to the other girls?
I found a local avian vet!

Gigi has an appointment tomorrow at 11:00am, I'll post diagnosis and treatment, she's not improving and the receptionist said it's doubtful penicillin is helping.
Baytril which is banned for use in chickens in the US, is probably the best antibiotic to use for internal laying, etc, but it will not stop them from laying. You can buy it online and get dosage on this thread "baytril and enrofloxacin sources, " if you put that into the search box top of this page. Vets are not supposed to prescribe it to chickens, but yours may if you sign a waiver that you are not going to use her for meat or eggs. Also, your vet could prescribe Supralorin hormone implants to stop her from laying for 4-6 months. It is something that some on BYC have used before.

Here is the thread for baytril dosage and ordering:

Here is a thread and a link for suprelorin/desorelin implants:

Thank you!
I took Gigi to an avian vet this morning....unfortunately despite all my efforts she was full of fluids and positively diagnosed with egg yolk peritonitis. In so much obvious pain, we decided it was the most humane thing to put her down and so that's what we did. I feel so terrible that I couldn't help her....RIP sweet Gigi girl
I am very sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, EYP is just all too common in our backyard flocks. At least you tried hard to help her, and now she is not in pain. Take care.

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