Good luck with your chicks… I’m thinking I may end up with some that need tending if they hatch because these last few eggs are really lagging behind.Meet Mutt and Jeff.
These are the last two chicks of my "Dumpling" group that had trouble hatching yesterday, and had to have a full assist. They had externally pipped on schedule, but after 24 hours of no progress, I started the assist over a period of the next 12-14 hours a little at a time. It was a difficult hatch, and although they had absorbed all the yolk and were ready to come out of the shell, they still bled quite a lot (from the membrane) before hatching was complete. Then I left them in the cleaned incubator and I went to bed at 2am, not really expecting them to survive the night.
This morning, surprisingly, they were still alive - but lying on their backs and unable to stand. I started dosing with Poly-ViSol (no iron) infant vitamin formula every few hours to give them the B -vitamins in particular, but also A, D, E, and selenium. They would not eat or drink, so I made a "soup" of cooked egg, chick starter, and sugar water with electrolytes. I've fed this with a medicine dropper. They are now chirping and lively, but still unable to stand upright for more than a minute or so, nor keep from falling over.
(A healthy chick will instantly roll over and right itself when placed on its back, or when it falls over.)
This video is their progress 14 hours after hatch, and after three doses of Poly-ViSol and one feeding of "chick soup." I'll post another update tomorrow of their progress, or demise, whichever happens.