City girl here, and I flew the coop!

Michael, wow, thank you - I DO have an Easter Egger! They look a bit more primitive, I think, than my other chickens. Also, I feel like my white chickens are the most docile, my Austrolorps seem shy and the Black Sex Links seem very clever. I'm sure their personalities were influenced by their former home though. The Easter Egger actually runs the fastest and follows me the most. Haha. They don't like to be picked up, so I don't try, but I do move calmly around them and touch them when I can get away with it and I know they won't just run away, so it will be a good experience

You're welcome. Our Easter Eggers tolerate being handled, but they don't really like it either. Despite their reluctance in being handled, they are still my granddaughter's favorites (or so she says) because of their colored eggs. Conversely, she has made lap pets out of our Black Australorps and Buff Orpingtons.
Oh, I mean none of my chickens like to be picked up. I think my rooster is actually the friendliest. He was raised being handled but I don't think these girls were.
Welcome to the flock. The girls will get used to you over time - the way to a chicken's heart is through their stomach. But I'm sure, eventually you will find some actually seek you out for attention even without food bribing.
Oh, I mean none of my chickens like to be picked up. I think my rooster is actually the friendliest. He was raised being handled but I don't think these girls were.

Welcome to the flock. The girls will get used to you over time - the way to a chicken's heart is through their stomach. But I'm sure, eventually you will find some actually seek you out for attention even without food bribing.
Drumstick diva is correct. We've tamed our chickens using them treats; not enough to be unhealthy, just enough to train them to eat from our hands, and then to be picked up. :eek:)
Greetings and
. We're happy to answer any of your questions so please don't hesitate to ask!
Which treats are enticing enough so they will take from my hand?

Mealworms, any type of cooked pasta, scratch, seeds like pumpkin seeds, unsweetened cereals, etc. Put it on a board on the ground to start with. When they get used to eating it off the board, hold the board in your hand and let them eat from it. When they get used to eating from the board in your hand, place the feed directly into your hand instead of on the board, and keeping your hand on the ground let them eat from it. Over a period of days, slowly raised your hand higher above the ground until they reach the point where they begin jumping up onto your arm to get to the treats. At this point you can begin handling them. Chicks will make this transition faster than older birds do.
Hello from Chicago, Sweetbird!

Just talk to them in quiet voice and pick them up whenever you get a chance. Carry them around the yard.

Mine love meal worms and their morning breakfast treats. They will take nearly anything from my hands. One likes apples. They all especially love bread. When I hold little pieces of bread just out of reach, they will jump for it when I call their names.

Have fun in Virginia!
Another newbie who after doing tons of research here finally got some chickens about a year ago. My first coffee of the morning is spent browsing BYC, and every little concern about my hens brings me right here. Thank you everyone.

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