City girl here, and I flew the coop!

Thank you for the information and welcome here. I started to try and thumbs up everyone but not sure if that feature is used? If you guys love Likes on your posts, I'll like away!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Good luck with your flock and we do welcome you to our roost!
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Welcome to BYC!!! There are loads of members on here…so if you have ANY questions…just ASK!!!

Hope you have loads of fun and all your answers answered here on BYC the BEST CHICKEN KEEPING FORUM on EARTH!!

Hi, I have been referencing this site a little here and there since I moved out of the city of Chicago to a mountain in Virginia.  Calling it a farm is pretty loose, since all the buildings need to be fixed up and well, the list goes on and on.

There was an old chicken coop here that we cleaned out and basically rebuilt (it was our in-laws who kept chickens years ago without diseases, etc) and we inherited 17 random hens and a young rooster.  The owner was getting divorced and they needed to rehome them.  He told us they had just started laying, so fairly young.  I found one of those metal nesting box wall units, fixed that up and replaced the rusted floor with plywood.  I look forward to building a new system though.  This was in October.  About five cars per day come down our road and the chickens forage all day, but we shut them up safely in their house at night.

Out of my 17 hens, I was getting 4-6 eggs per day but I think that might be normal for hens coming of age.  I guess I will learn this on the forum here!  They stopped completely for winter, until I got wise and put a light in last week and now I'm getting 4 a day.  I just figured out that I should be giving cracked corn too, so they have more energy to put towards laying.  

These chickens are stalkers.  I will be working somewhere on the property and suddenly look over to see all of them standing nearby looking at me expectantly.  Other times I might be trimming brambles and hear a single 'cluck' and turn around to find one looking up at me.  When I play fetch with my dog in the pasture, they all run after him and he has to wade through a flock of chickens to get back to me. They are so funny.

I hope my post hasn't been too painfully ignorant and I hope to learn a lot here!

what an incredible story! I just moved to Ohio from Los Angeles and New York before that so I feel you, city girl!!! let's do this! I'll check in on you!!!!

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