City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

If rats are the problem, you have to get rid of them first thing. However, no matter what you do, go to the local law library and look up the codes yourself. There has to be one in your community. It may take some research to find out where it is. If nothing else, call any attorney's office and ask them. Insist the officials give you the code numbers of the ordinances they are citing you under. I have found that what an official, any official, tells me what the law is, is not necessarily what the law in fact actually is. By the way, I have found that reference librarians at the law library are very helpful.
Hi, I haven’t updated in a while.


So I have been spreading the word and having people send letters to his email. We have a couple months since the hearing(s) (hopefully) in august/sept.

Public support will be crucial in this case…

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