City Ordinance


11 Years
Apr 2, 2013
Gatesville Texas
Hello everyone it has been a spell since I posted but I have been battling health issues. Then I had to deal with a new City Ordinance. I had a Animal Control Inspector come by my house and ask if I had a permit to raise my chickens. I said no never had one and been raising chickens for 40 years in town. Well needles to say I had to come up to the new city code. I had to reduce my flock by 50 percent. I lowered it from 60 to 30.
I am only allowed 9 hens and 1 rooster per coop, And I had to totally tear down and rebuild everything. She only gave me 14 days to do it in or I risk losing my whole flock and not getting a permit.
We did it! It was definitely a challenge and I got my permit.
The animal control officer said they are cracking down on anyone raising chickens inside city limits across the nation. So Backyard chicken raises be prepared. Oh and for any one raising ducks, mine were NOT allowed inside city limits.
I never thought I would see this day, but unfortunately it is here. Lot of new regulations coming in several locations across the nation. Here are pics of my new runs and coops.
Oh I love your runs/coops, great job!! I'm not very surprised by this information. Obviously, I have chickens but when my son was buying a home recently the home inspector found rodent evidence in the crawl and so part of the process/report was about how he saw a chicken coop a house over when he was on the roof, suggesting that was source of rodents. They do let you know how many coops they see and where they are, it's indeed being scrutinized.... And no one is going to like this comment but I don't find anything wrong with having the information especially if you're buying a home in a small neighborhood with small lots, you can consider if backyard coops pose any problems for you. Where I live it's not even a conversation, but his house is small, in smallville....

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