Claws & Clans - a WarriorCats RP

Stonepaw pricked his ears as his mentor called his name.
“Stonepaw! Join me on a patrol!”
*Stonepaw sprang to his paws. Finally! He thought, following his mentor out, as they started along the Shadowclan border. Suddenly Stonepaw stopped.*
“Do… you smell that?”
*He whispered nervously.*
“Yes. Fox.”
*His mentor stepped forward, past a bush, and there laid a fox vixen. He hissed.* “Let’s go back. Now!”
*Stonepaw swung around, running back as fast as he could to camp, his mentor on his tail.* (I forgot the leaders name, I think it’s Clawstar?)
*Yowled Stonepaw.*
Shadeheart sighed, laying in the sun, bored. She glanced at the stale fresh kill pile, and got up.
“Hey Ashenwing? Come hunt with me?”
*She padded over to him.*
“I’m bored… and the prey pile looks pretty pitiful.”
Stonepaw pricked his ears as his mentor called his name.
“Stonepaw! Join me on a patrol!”
*Stonepaw sprang to his paws. Finally! He thought, following his mentor out, as they started along the Shadowclan border. Suddenly Stonepaw stopped.*
“Do… you smell that?”
*He whispered nervously.*
“Yes. Fox.”
*His mentor stepped forward, past a bush, and there laid a fox vixen. He hissed.* “Let’s go back. Now!”
*Stonepaw swung around, running back as fast as he could to camp, his mentor on his tail.* (I forgot the leaders name, I think it’s Clawstar?)
*Yowled Stonepaw.*
Hearing all the commotion, Shimmerpaw, who had been busy cleaning out the elders' den, padded up to Stonepaw.

"Stonepaw, what's the matter? I heard you calling for Clawstar."
Stonepaw eyes were wide, and he glanced back to see his mentor entering the leaders den.
“There’s a vixen who has a den on the Shadowclan border!”
Shimmerpaw's eyes widened as Stonepaw told her about the fox.
"I'm glad that you were able to spot it! We need to make sure it doesn't get into camp. Does Clawstar know?"

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