I have absolutely frazzled my brain after building my coop!! I have a few loose ends to tie up before I can start my run. I have these rafters that are open all the way into the coop, both on the front and the back wall. I am planning on utilizing these areas for my ventilation. I thought I could figure it out, but I'm racking and not coming up with any solutions. My DH seems to think we can just leave them open for now, or haphazardly plywood them in. Obviously, both of his ideas leave huge gaps, perfect for predators, which I can't seem to get through to him about.
Can anyone help a girl out? I purchased 1/2 inch hardware cloth today (thnk God my DH didn't ask me yet how much THAT cost!), so I'm hoping to find a way to attach the cloth securely in a way that will allow me to batten up the area come wintertime, but still provide adequate ventilation. Anyone have any experience with this?
Please!!!! My girls want so desperately to get out of their temporary coop!!
Thanks so much.........Katherine
Outside rafter openings:
Inside rafters:
I have absolutely frazzled my brain after building my coop!! I have a few loose ends to tie up before I can start my run. I have these rafters that are open all the way into the coop, both on the front and the back wall. I am planning on utilizing these areas for my ventilation. I thought I could figure it out, but I'm racking and not coming up with any solutions. My DH seems to think we can just leave them open for now, or haphazardly plywood them in. Obviously, both of his ideas leave huge gaps, perfect for predators, which I can't seem to get through to him about.
Can anyone help a girl out? I purchased 1/2 inch hardware cloth today (thnk God my DH didn't ask me yet how much THAT cost!), so I'm hoping to find a way to attach the cloth securely in a way that will allow me to batten up the area come wintertime, but still provide adequate ventilation. Anyone have any experience with this?
Please!!!! My girls want so desperately to get out of their temporary coop!!
Thanks so much.........Katherine
Outside rafter openings:


Inside rafters: