Clostridium perfringens Treatable with doxycycline?

Jessie Marie

In the Brooder
Aug 25, 2017
I have a chicken who had sour crop. I treated that part and she is eating again but she has diarrhea, and her poop looks the same as the posts that show clostridium perfringens. I don't have an avian vet that can see her- they are all booked for weeks! I have tried to find antibiotics online to no avail. The only thing I can find is this :

Doxycycline. Will this work to treat her?
I will try to get a pic today but it looks like this one


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Is there anywhere I can buy that online?? Like I said, I can't go to the vet because there isnt one here that can see her.
Thank you! i will order some. How do you get it out from the bottle? Would I need a syringe with a needle? How do you make sure it doesn't get aspirated when giving a liquid orally?

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