Clueless about emu but INTRIGUED

We have had endless discussions of fencing over the years, chateau. "Can the fences be a little lower?!" Nuh. Gotta be six feet.

"Will just any old fencing do?" Nuh. Gotta be emoo-friendly fencing.

'Will it be expensive?" Yes.

Why don't many people have emu?
Why are the eggs for eating so expensive?
I assume the females lay without a male?
Are they picky about how many of each gender live together?
Can they co-exist with other species?
Are they dangerous even if raised from babies?
Is there a market for the eggs?
I love that they lay when other breeds stop for the season. Seems great for supplementing in winter. Am I wrong?
Thank you!!
As someone who owns an emu I can say, they can be a bit of a nightmare as well as their size. They can co-exist with other kinds of animals but it entirely depends on what animal it is. They also can sometimes get out and then get very scared and then it’ll be a nightmare to calm them down and bring it back
As for the eggs I’m not too sure, we only have a male emu at the moment. But I’m sure that’s been awnsered in this thread already

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