Coccidiosis? Or something else?


10 Years
Jun 22, 2014
Northeast Tennessee
I have a 6 week old Cochin that has been walking around hunched up. He’s not quite fully feathered and I had him outside when it was warm and brought him inside when it got cold. I noticed he was hunched 2 nights ago outside and assumed he was cold so I brought him in. But he was still hunched this morning, even though he was inside in a temperature he’s used to. I immediately knew something was wrong. I took a sample of stool, that appeared fairly typical, maybe a little loose, and looked at it under a microscope…. Not much of anything. There may have been coccidia but I couldn’t get a clear view of the suspicious blobs to know for sure. Definitely not dealing with worms. I’ve thought about sour crop or an impaction as he does try to adjust his crop a lot. Like, A LOT. But there are no major symptoms that point towards anything in particular. He eats, drinks, gets the “zoomies”. I have 10 other chicks, indoors and outdoors, that aren’t acting odd. Just him. I’ve decided to treat everyone for coccidiosis just in case, but any ideas?
Well, no one responded but I thought I’d update anyway in case someone else is experiencing the same thing. I brought him back inside and started him on probiotics and electrolytes. Starting coccidiosis treatment tomorrow after a run to the store. I looked at some of his droppings again and it was very loose this time with some dark specks in it, potentially blood. So I’m assuming it’s the start of coccidiosis… he is still eating and drinking. He just looks… uncomfortable. Poor guy.
So we started treatment for coccidiosis. He has fairly normal behavior, eating and drinking, scratching around, but maybe not as much. But he keeps adjusting his crop. I watched him for a few minutes and it was every few seconds that he would do it. His crop feels completely empty. I’ve massaged him in case there’s something stuck in there. He has done this for a while but more frequently over the last several days. He also flips his head side to side often, almost like he has something stuck on his beak, although there’s nothing there. Still, none of the others have symptoms at all. Any ideas?
Have you checked his ears? I would check his ears to see if maybe he has an ear infection. I’ve had a couple get ear infections and they always gape and shake their heads.
No ear infection. They’re perfectly clear. I just noticed I have another chick who is hunched up. She’s a lot more active than the roo but still hunched. I couldn’t tell for sure but the roo seemed to have a slight gurgle when he breathed. I only heard it once when checking his ears. He’s still adjusting his crop like mad though!

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