Coccidiosis Treatment


In the Brooder
Dec 28, 2023
I am pretty sure one of my girls has contracted Coccidiosis. I found this (pic below) in my coop this morning under where my black copper marans sleep.


I am leaving work early to take it and have it tested pretty much just to get confirmation, and then I will treat my whole flock with Corid.

My girls are partial free range- Due to living by woods where predators live, they are only let out of the run when I'm home everyday after work, and on weekends all day.
Aside from layer feed, I feed them fresh fruits and garden veggies daily, in moderation, and scratch and mealworms as treats- also in moderation but not daily. (every other day at least).

My question is-
1) Do I continue feeding them as normal with the Corid?
2) Do I give any extra vitamins or anything DURING the Corid treatment, BETWEEN the 1st and 2nd treatment, or only after the second treatment is completed?

I know their vitamins will need to be replenished, but going 3 weeks seems kind of bad to me?
Unless you are seeing that every day, it looks more like normal intestinal shed to me.

Do you see any other signs of cocci? Has the weather been very damp there?

It won't hurt to do a corrid dose. Just don't give them any supplemental B vitamins especially thiamin. Normal feeding and treats are OK.
Unless you are seeing that every day, it looks more like normal intestinal shed to me.
That would be amazing if thats all it is!...... I'm not seeing it everyday, I saw smaller and lighter colored amounts a little over 2 weeks in a row though. First pic was on Sept 27, second pic was last Tuesday Oct 8.
They had eaten strawberries both times these pics were taken, so after the 2nd week I stopped giving them strawberries...(silly maybe, but blueberries make their poop blue 🤣) .....and I've been triple checking droppings daily.

These 2 were taken when they were free ranging so I do not know if it came from the same chicken or not, but I would put money it was the same one due to location I found them is where my BCMs hang out by my bachelor pad lol



I've never dealt with coccidiosis, also never noticed the intestinal shed either and I'm not necessarily new to chicken life! haha
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I am pretty sure one of my girls has contracted Coccidiosis. I found this (pic below) in my coop this morning under where my black copper marans sleep.

My question is-
1) Do I continue feeding them as normal with the Corid?
2) Do I give any extra vitamins or anything DURING the Corid treatment, BETWEEN the 1st and 2nd treatment, or only after the second treatment is completed?

I know their vitamins will need to be replenished, but going 3 weeks seems kind of bad to me?
I am leaving work early to take it and have it tested pretty much just to get confirmation, and then I will treat my whole flock with Corid.
Have the vet test for worms too.

I would probably go ahead and treat for Coccidiosis and worms if they were mine.

Question1 - Yes, feed as normal.

Question 2 - Do not give any Extra vitamins/supplements containing B1(Thiamine) during the course of treatment with Corid.

Their feed has all the nutrients needed, including B1(Thiamine), so it's really not necessary to give vitamins/supplements after/between treatment unless you want to.

Liquid Corid dose is 2tsp or Powdered Corid Dose is 1 1/2tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.
To treat most worms that poultry can have except for Tapeworm you can use Safeguard (Fenbendazole) or Valbazen (Albendazole). Both are given orally by weight; they do not mix well with water.

Safeguard dose is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days in a row.
Valbazen dose is 0.08ml per pound of weight given orally once, then repeated in 10 days

Here's how to give oral medications:

As you can there is a note in Plumb's Vet Drug Manual about "Excessive Thiamine" in the diet which can affect the activity of Amprolium (Corid). So feed as normal and omit supplements during the course of treatment.


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