Cochin Thread!!!

I just got my very first Cochin she is a standard and still young but here she is

Please tell me what you think of her is she PQ or SQ? Either way we love her she is a great bird ,thanks
I like the first picture of her. It made her look wide. The rest do not so much. I really think on a bird this young you just have to be patient and let her mature more before a real critique will be accurate.
I really dont know i'am new to the chicken world and when we went and got her that was the one question i forgot to ask
but we think maybe 10 weeks or older but not sure
ok thanks ,yeah she is a wide bird more like the first pictured showed i was having problems with her moving so much so i just took the best pictures i could LOL
Response to PrestonC's post: If you are looking for SQ, you will have to spend a bit of money
Also, I suggest that you don't mention that you are going to cross the birds with other breeds. Breeders of SQ birds are interested in improving their breed..... I'm not trying to sound snobby, but that's the reality. Are you planning to show the birds you purchase?? [/quotT I figured SQ might cost me some money but I just like to have nice birds... I'll go ahead and tell y'all that I am a 14 yr old junior and chickens are pretty much my life. When I'm not away from the house I'm in my coop, I won Junior Grand Champion this last January with a quail d'Anver... I love my birds and love learning as much as I possibly can about them. I think Cochin bantams are one of the most adorable birds out there and I am very interested in getting some. I have spent some good time looking for breeders lately of this breed and am keeping my eye out for more and more. I am buying all my birds myself and save up all money specifically for that purpose. I love showing and breeding and think that genetics are really cool, hence the questions about colors... I'm open to most any variety of cochin bantams and am looking for someone to help me... Thanks for all the nice input you are all soooo helpful to someone like me! But PLEASE, keep the input coming! I am very open to what Anybody has to say And please don't ignore me about this topic. Like I said, I am very knowledgable about chickens and know what I am doing
Hey everyone. Haven't been on in a few months! It's been busy summer between work, gardening and the chickens!
Hatching has kept me hopping! I am only keeping two really nice looking columbian pullets and a couple of mottleds out of everything I hatched this year. Hoping to maybe enter my first show next year!

My buff columbians have had a rough summer! I lost my best hen and lost several BC chicks! I have decided to keep the roo I got from Craig and replace the 2 hens I have left. I am in the market for BC hens or pullets......... hint, hint Craig!

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